Filters and QC |
Apply QC filters to Seurat Object |
Filter seurat object by specified cluster ids |
Clean clusters |
Clean and filter gene list |
Identify artifact genes |
Identify expressed genes |
Get cells that express query gene |
Calculate mitochondrial content |
QC scatter plots |
QC violin plots |
Dimensional Reduction |
Quickly estimate the 'elbow' of a scree plot (PCA) |
Project dimensionally-reduced features onto UMAP |
Variance explained by each principal component. |
Get top loaded features for PCA or ICA dimensional reduction. |
Run Robust Prinicipal Component Analysis |
Clustering |
Set cluster resolution |
Cluster seurat object at several resolutions |
Evaluate specificity of single-cell markers across several cluster resolutions. |
Evaluate silhouette indices of clustered single cell data across several cluster resolutions. |
Cell-Type AnnotationModule detection |
Calculate Miko module scores for feature expression programs |
Null distribution for standardized module scores. |
Calculate Miko score significance |
Gene Set Functions |
Calculate standardized module scores for feature expression programs in single cells. |
Get summary of group expression in Seurat object |
Get summary of group expression in Seurat object |
Calculate coherent fraction for feature expression program. |
Consolidate several NMF reduction objects into single NMF reduction object within Seurat object. |
Jaccard Similarity |
Get Reactome/GO geneset |
Map Reactome/GO ID to term |
Jaccard Similarity Matrix |
Identify optimal bin size for AddModuleScore() function |
Run AUCell classification |
Run Modular Scoring |
Summarize hypergeometric enrichment results |
Pathway annotations from Bader Lab |
Returns list of annotations for given Entrez gene IDs |
Run gene-set enrichment analysis (GSEA) |
Run hypergeometric gene enrichment analysis. |
Search Reactome/GO databases for terms that match query |
Evaluate signature coherence. |
Map Reactome/GO term to ID |
Upset plot |
Expression Functions |
Calculate feature co-dependency index |
Calculate spearman correlations between features. |
Calculate Gini marker specificity |
Get differentially expressed genes |
Get expression matrix from Seurat Object |
Draw volcano plot to visualize differential expression. |
Parallelized correlation |
Identify pseudotime-dependent genes using Random Forest (RF) Model |
Variance DecompositionVariance decomposition analyses |
Specify model formula for variance decomposition. |
Specify inputs for variance decomposition analysis |
Perform Variance Decomposition Analysis |
Generate UMAPs with each variance decomposition covariate overlaid. |
Scale-Free Shared Nearest Neighbor Network Analysis (SSN)SSN Module detection |
SSN connectivity plot |
Identify optimal cluster resolution of scale-free shared nearest neighbor network (SNN) |
Identify and (optionally) prune gene program features in scale-free shared nearest neighbor network (SSN) |
Perform gene program discovery using SNN analysis |
SSN connectivity plot |
Identify features for gene program discovery. |
Get list of module genes |
Apply scale-free topology transform to shared-nearest neighbor graph |
Summarize SSN, ICA or NMF gene program/module analyses |
Independent Component AnalysisICA Module detection |
Get significant ICA genes |
Run Independent Component Analysis on gene expression |
Non-Negative Matrix FactorizationNMF Module detection |
Returns top module genes from NMF feature loading matrix |
Perform non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) |
Differential Abundance Analysis |
Identify correlated genes/pathways associated with differential abundance. |
Run differential abundance analysis. |
Visualization |
UMAP stratified by cluster ID |
Violin plot of single cell gene expression |
Visualize gene expression on UMAP |
Visualize feature activity/expression gradient overlaid on UMAP |
Plot relationship showing percentage of cells expressing atleast percentage of genes |
Split violin plot using ggplot2 |
Get UMAP data and plot from Seurat object. |
Function to draw ggplot heatmaps |
Gradient color scale |
Gradient fill scale |
Cell-level gene expression projected on UMAP |
scMiko Theme |
Plot variable genes in Seurat Object |
Highlight cells on UMAP plot |
Data |
List of scMiko gene sets |
Ligand-Receptor Database |
Miscellaneous Utilities |
Automatically determine optimal point size for geom_point() |
Balance matrix dimensions |
Generate categorical ColorBrewer palette. |
Check pubmed citations for genes |
Remove variables from global environment |
Assign column entries in data.frame to row names. |
Hierarchially-cluster distance matrix |
Fix barcode labels |
Get cluster centers |
Gene connectivity within network. |
Get local density (z) of bivariate relationship (x,y) |
Get nodes and edges from igraph data.frame for visNetwork |
Get vector of unique ordered group names from Seurat Object |
Named list of cells grouped by meta feature from Seurat object |
Returns intersection of all list entries. |
Convert long data frame to named list |
Print message |
Convert named list to long data.frame |
Convert named list to wide data.frame |
Sort factor levels in numerical order |
Create pseudo-replicates, stratified by grouping variable. |
Quantile Normalization of 2 Vectors |
Rescale values to specified range. |
Remove "ï.." prefix that is appended to csv header |
Annotate glioblastoma (GBM) subtype based on Neftel 2019 scoring pipeline. |
Winsorize values at lower and upper quantiles. |
Compute adjaceny matrix from similary (correlation) matrix |
Convert sparse matrix to dense matrix |
Convert sparse matrix to data.frame |
Number of unique values |
Convert values to color gradient |
Convert wide data.frame to named list |
Integration Functions |
scRNAseq integration wrapper |
Integrate scRNA-seq data using Scanorama |
Integrate scRNA-seq data using batch-balanced KNN (BBKNN) |
Seurat Functions |
Subsample cells in seurat object to be balanced (sample-size-wise) across conditions. |
Downsample single cell data |
Merge list of seurat objects |
Compute purity of each cell's neighborhood, as defined by KNN graph. |
prep Seurat |
prep Seurat (Extended adaptation of prepSeurat) |
Recode (i.e., relabel) metadata in Seurat object |
Remove duplicate genes from Seurat Object |
Normalize and Scale scRNAseq Data |
Get dimensional reduction from Seurat Object for subset of data |
Get unique features from metadata column in seurat object. |
Ensure that all dimNames are correctly specified in Seurat Object |
Compute network component UMAPs and visualize component weights. |
Run WNN Multi-Modal Integration. |
Gene Representation |
Check gene representation |
Determine species based on gene representation |
Convert gene ensemble to symbol in seurat object |
Convert gene symbol to ensembl |
Convert entrez id to gene symbol |
Uppercase first letter and lowercase rest |
Infer species from list of Ensemble ids |
Prepare gene to ensemble conversion vector |
Convert gene symbol representation to Hs or Mm |
Convert gene symbol to entrez |
Dashboard Utilities |
Add entry to analysis log |
Subset and assign labels to seurat |
Outputs datatable with print button options |
Generate multi-tab analysis log list for flexdashboard |
Generate multi-tab ggplot handle list for flexdashboard |
Generate multi-tab list of plotly figures for flexdashboard |
Generate multi-tab datatable list for flexdashboard |
Return load path |
Initiate analysis log |
Load CellRanger preprocessed data |
Load gene x cell count matrix into seurat object |
Load preprocessed data from Moffat lab sciRNA-seq3 pipeline |
Update central log |
Save Functions |
Save figure as html |
Save figure as pdf |