This is a wrapper for BBKNN ( BBKNN is a fast and intuitive batch effect removal tool. It generates a BBKNN cell x cell similarity graph that can be used for clustering and UMAP embedding.
reduction = "pca",
assay = DefaultAssay(object),
do.umap = T,
verbose = T
Seurat object
name of meta data field specifying batch groupings.
reduction used for batch correction. Default is "pca".
assay name. Default is DefaultAssay(object).
compute UMAP. Default is T.
print progress. Default is T.
Seurat object with bbKNN-corrected UMAP stored in "b" reduction slot (if do.umap = T).
object <- runBBKNN(object, batch = "sample")
#> 2022-08-03 14:42:28: Checking inputs...
#> Error in "Seurat" %in% class(object): object 'object' not found