Summarize SSN, ICA or NMF gene program/module analyses. Expression heatmaps and gene program enrichments are generated to facilitate analysis and interpretation of gene programs
module.type = c("ssn", "ica", "nmf"),
gene.list = NULL,
reduction = NULL,
connectivity_plot = NULL,
group_by = "seurat_clusters",
raster = F,
show.n.pathways = 10,
n.workers = 1,
raster.threshold = 10000,
verbose = T
Seurat object (gene x cell). Same as input to runSSN(object = cell.object, ...).
Seurat object (cell x gene) obtained from SSN analysis.
Which gene program results to summarize
"ssn" - scale-free shared nearest neighbor network
"ica" - independent component analysis
"nmf" - non-negative matrix factorization
feature to visualize expression.
specify which reduction slot use for summary. Ignored if `module.type` = "ssn".
which meta feature to group by. Default is "seurat_clusters".
whether UMAPs are rasterized (recommended for large datasets).
number of pathway annotations to show in each enrichment plot. Default is 10.
number of workers for parallel implementation of pathway enrichment analysis. Default is 1.
cell count threshold at which to switch to rasterized plots. Default is 10000.
Print progress. Default is T.
"plot_edge" generated by SSNConnectivity function. If not specified, not edges are plotted in SSN graph plot.
List of summarize gene program results, including expression heatmaps and pathway enrichments
for SSN analysis (gene.object), pruneSSN
for gene program features (gene.list), SSNConnectivity
for connectivity plot.