Summarize hypergeometric enrichment results. Collapses HG result list into dataframe, and generates plots to visualize enrichments for each geneset.
fdr.filter = 1,
fdr.threshold = 0.05,
do.plot = T,
show.n = 5,
genesets = NULL,
str.wrap.width = 25,
col.pal = NULL,
plt.title = "", = 7
RunHG output list
FDR filter threshold. Default 1 (i.e., include all)
FDR threshold line to draw on enrichment plots. Default is 0.05.
Logical to generate enrichment plots for each geneset.
Number of top enrichments to visualize in plots. Ignored if do.plot == F.
Geneset list used for HG enrichment (i.e., RunHG input). Optional.
positive integer giving target line width in characters. A width less than or equal to 1 will put each word on its own line. Ignored if do.plot == F.
Character specifying plot title. Ignored if do.plot == F.
Font size for pathway names in plots. Ignored if do.plot == F.
list of summarized results