Convert sparse matrix to data.frame. Developed to handle large datasets, by constructing data.frame block-by-block.
sparse2df(mat.sparse, block.size = 10000, transpose = F, verbose.error = F)
Sparse matrix.
If large dataset, construct data.frame column-wise block-by-block, where block size is specified by numeric block.size parameter. Default is 10000.
Logical specifying whether to transpose data.
Logical specifying whether to print error message in case of large dataset which requires block-by-block construction.
data frame
# Get sparse matrix
exp.mat <- so@assays[[current.assay]]@data
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'so' not found
# convert to data.frame
df <- sparse2df(mat.sparse, transpose = T)
#> Error in sparse2df(mat.sparse, transpose = T): could not find function "sparse2df"