Draw volcano plot to visualize differential expression. Uses data.frame output from getDEG(..., return.list = F).
group = NULL,
show.n = 10,
show.sig.only = T,
rank.by = c("auc", "logFC", "pval"),
features = NULL,
sig.threshold = 0.05,
lfc.threshold = 0,
label.size = NA,
pt.size.range = c(1, 4),
correct.p.value = T,
plot.title = "Volcano Plot",
cols = list(low = scales::muted("blue"), mid = "white", high = scales::muted("red"))
Differential expression data. Dataframe output from presto::wilcoxauc() or scMiko::getDEG(..., return.list = F).
group to visaulize data for. Must be entry in 'group' column of df.deg.
Top n features to label. Default is 10.
Show significant genes only. Default is T.
statistic to rank features by when selecting top feature to label. Default is "auc" (options include "auc", "logFC", "pval").
Specific features to label. If specified, show.n is ignored.
significance (p-value) threshold. Default is 0.05.
log fold change (lfc) threhsold. Default is 0.
Label size.
vector with two values, the first representing the smallest point size, and the second representing the largest point size. Default is c(1,4).
use adjusted p-value (FDR) for thresholding significant hits. Default is T.
title of volcano plot. Default is "Volcano Plot".
named listed with 3 entries labeled "low", "mid", "high" specifying colors to create a color gradient. Default is list(low = scales::muted("blue"), mid = "white", high = scales::muted("red")).
ggplot handle
df.dat <- getDEG(so.query, return.list = F)
#> Loading required package: presto
#> Loading required package: Rcpp
#> Loading required package: data.table
#> Attaching package: 'data.table'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#> between, first, last
#> Error in "Seurat" %in% class(object): object 'so.query' not found
plt.volcano <- miko_volcano(df.deg = df.dat)
#> Error in is.data.frame(x): object 'df.dat' not found