scRNAseq normalization and integration wrapper. Given seurat object input, data are split, normalized and integrated.
split.by = "Barcode",
min.cell = 50,
k.anchor = 20,
k.weight = 35,
nfeatures = 3000,
split.prenorm = F,
assay = "RNA",
variable.features.n = 3000,
verbose = T,
use.existing.sct = F,
conserve.memory = F,
vars.to.regress = "percent.mt"
Seurat object
Meta data feature to split and integrate data.
Minimum number of cells permitted per object prior to integration.
How many neighbors (k) to use when picking anchors.
Number of neighbors to consider when weighting anchors.
Number of features to return (passed to SelectIntegrationFeatures)
Split data before (TRUE) or after (FALSE) normalization.
Assay to use for normalization.
Use this many features as variable features after ranking by residual variance; default is 3000.
Print progress. Default is TRUE.
If TRUE, existing SCT model is used. Default is FALSE (new SCT model is fit)
If set to TRUE the residual matrix for all genes is never created in full when running SCTransform; useful for large data sets, but will take longer to run; this will also set return.only.var.genes to TRUE; default is FALSE
meta features to regress out. Default is "percent.mt". Set to NULL if unspecified.
Integrated seurat object