Filter scRNAseq data by gene/cell, unmatch rate and mitochondrial content.
RNA.upperlimit = 9000,
RNA.lowerlimit = 200,
mt.upperlimit = 60,
unmatch.low = 0,
unmatch.high = 1,
set_names = NULL
Seurat Object
Upper limit threshold for genes/cell
Lower limit threshold for genes/cell
Numeric [0, 100]. Upper limit threshold for microchondiral content.
Numeric [0,1]. Lower limit threshold for unmatch rate. Default is 0. Ignored if data is not from sciRNA-seq3 pipeline.
Numeric [0,1]. Upper limit threshold for unmatch rate. Default is 1. Ignored if data is not from sciRNA-seq3 pipeline.
Character specifying dataset name. Optional.
List containing seurat object, filter summary statistics, and filter breakdown list