This is a wrapper for Scanorama ( Scanorama enables batch-correction and integration of heterogeneous scRNA-seq datasets.
do.umap = F,
nfeatures = 2000,
vars2regress = "",
dim = 50L,
verbose = T
Seurat object or list of seurat objects.
name of meta data field specifying batch groupings.
compute UMAP. Default is T.
number of features to use for integration. Default is 2000.
variable to regress out. Ignored if SCT assay is available in provided object.
number of dimensions to use for integration. Default is 50L.
print progress. Default is T.
Seurat object.
object <- runScanorama(object, batch = "sample")
#> 2022-08-03 14:42:30: Checking python modules...
#> Error in "SCT" %in% names(object@assays): object 'object' not found