Run hypergeometric gene enrichment analysis.
pathway.db = "Bader",
n.workers = 16,
my.pathway = NULL,
my.pathway.representation = "ENTREZ",
min.size = 2,
max.size = 300,
e2s = F,
go.ontology = "BP",
verbose = T
Named list of genesets to run enrichment on (symbol format).
Gene universe (symbol format)
Species. One of "Mm" (mouse) or "Hs" (human)
Name of databse to get annotation genelists from. Default is "Bader". See scMiko::getAnnotationPathways() for options.
Number of workers for parallelization. Default is 16.
Named list of pathways, with each entry containing vector of Entrez IDs. Retrieved internally unless explicitly provided.
If my.pathway is provided, species which format, options = "SYMBOL" or "ENTREZ". ENTREZ is Default.
min geneset size. Default is 2.
max geneset size. Default is 300.
entrez to symbol mapping (computationally demanding). Default False.
BP, MF or CC. Ignored if pathway.db != "GO".
Print progress. Default is TRUE.
enrichment results