For given topic (search query), number of publications that mention specified genes (gene.query) are tallied and returned. Based on RISmed package by Stephanie Kovalchik.
search.query = NULL,
delay = 0.5,
mindate = 2000,
maxdate = 2021,
verbose = T,
Genes to query. Character vector.
Search query. Boolean expression are supported. Character vector. If search.query is not specified, the number of citations for each gene will be returned without constraining the tally to a specified topic.
Delay between queries. If database is queried too fast, error is thrown. Default delay is 0.5.
Minimum of date range for search results (examples: 2002; 2002/01/01); must be supplied with maxdate.
Maximum of date range for search results; must be supplied with mindate.
Print progress (T or F). Default is T.
additional arguments passed to EUtilsSummary
m8.citations <- citationCheck(gene.query = gene.list$m8, search.query = "hematopoietic|hematogenic|HSC", delay = 0.5,
mindate=2000, maxdate=2021, verbose = T)
#> Warning: 'length(x) = 3 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
#> 2022-08-03 14:42:00: Retrieving 201959 citations that match 'hematopoietic|hematogenic|HSC' query...
#> Warning: 'length(x) = 4 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
#> Error in paste0("Retrieving citations for ", length(gene.query), " gene queries..."): object 'gene.list' not found