Get top loaded features for PCA or ICA dimensional reduction.
getReductionGenes(feature.loading, sig.threshold = 0.99, = T)
Feature loading matrix
Numeric specifying top nth percentile of features to return. Default: 0.99.
Logical specifying whether to enforce top loaded feature being positive. If negative, loading sign is inverted.
list of ggplot handles
feature.loading <- as.matrix(seurat.object@reductions[[reduction]]@feature.loadings)
#> Error in as.matrix(seurat.object@reductions[[reduction]]@feature.loadings): object 'seurat.object' not found
red.res <- getReductionGenes(feature.loading = feature.loading, sig.threshold = 0.99)
#> Error in "matrix" %in% class(feature.loading): object 'feature.loading' not found