Visualize gene expression on UMAP. Wrapper for Nebulosa::plot_density() and scMiko::scExpression.UMAP() functions.
plot.subtitle = NULL,
do.neb = F,
title.size = 10,
slot = "data",
assay = DefaultAssay(object),
reduction = "umap",
size = autoPointSize(ncol(object)),
scale.color = "tomato",
Seurat object.
feature name.
Plot title.
Logical to use Nebulosa::plot_density instead of scMiko::scExpression.UMAP. Default is F.
Size of plot title. Default is 10.
which slot to pull from? Default is "data".
assay to retrieve data from.
reduction name. Default is "umap".
point size for plots.
color of scale. Default is "tomato".
additional parameters passed to scExpression.UMAP (do.neb = F) or plot_density (do.neb = T)
ggplot handle
gg.plot <- exprUMAP(object = so, feature = "Prrx1")
#> Error in DefaultAssay(object): object 'so' not found