

Sample Overview


Query Gene Information



Expression Dotplot

Expression Heatmap







































Association Table

Similarity Matrix

Significant Associations

Log (M1)

Description Variable Name Value
Module Preprocessing & QC
Date Sys.time() 2022-01-24 15:40:13
Input Expression Matrix input_data C:/Users/Owner/Dropbox/PDF Projects - JM/R Packages/scMiko/data/zeisel_count_matrix.rds
gene/cell Upper Limit (N/cell) gene.upperlimit 9000
gene/cell Lower Limit (N/cell) gene.lowerlimit 200
Filtered by unmatched reads unmatched.rate.filter.flag TRUE
Mitochondrial Content Upper Limit (%/cell) mt.upperlimit 10
Data Subsampled subsampled FALSE
Cluster Resolution cluster.resolution 1
Filtered by species species.filter.flag FALSE
Number of Workers normScale 1
Variables regressed out vars2regress percent.mt
Input Species all_input_organisms
Feature selection method feature.select.method hvg
PCA component selection method pca.component.select.method cum_var
Normalization Method norm_method SCT
PCA Method pca.method pca
Principal Components Included nDim 33
Unmatched rate upper limit unmatch.high 1
Unmatched rate lower limit unmatch.low 0
nPCA components used nDim 33
Run Time (s) elapsed.time 157.9
Run Identifier run.id output_34245PM
Scaling method scale.method sct
Output Saved save.flag TRUE

Log (M6)

Description Variable Name Value
Module Query Feature Exploration
Date Sys.time() 2022-01-26 20:07:32
Query File input.file C:/Users/Owner/Dropbox/PDF Projects - JM/Data/scRNA-seq/01_sci-RNA-seq3_Hong_Kevin_Jason/NM_HH/Data/Preprocessed_Datasets/output_34245PM_demo_zeisel_10000cell.Rdata
Gene Set Name features
Compute geneset module score meta.module.flag FALSE
Species general.species Mm
Which Subset Groups subset.df no.subset
Min expr. fraction for cor. analysis cor.min.expr 0.05
Clusters cleaned general.clean.clusters TRUE
Cluster Resolution general.cluster.resolution 0.5
Grouping Variable group_name Clusters
N Groups n_group_members 35
Top N correlations corr.top.n
subsample_factor general.subsample.factor 1
schex used for UMAPs expression.do.hex FALSE
PDF saved general.save.pdf FALSE
correlation data cor.which.data data
N Cells n.cells.analyzed 9360
Correlation Metric cor.method cdi
Query Markers markers_of_interest Slc17a7, Gad1, Fkbp1b, Cyb561, Fxyd1, H3f3b, Ppp1r1b, Cldn5, mt-Atp6, Plp1, Ddc, Sirt2, Hoxb8, Dbi, Tmem233, Ntng1, Hexb, Vim, Slc5a7, Pcp4, Pf4, Apod, Myl9, Meg3, Mgp, Ttr, Ptn, Fam19a4, Dpt, Ahi1, Pura, Meis2, Mt1, mt-Cytb
Seurat Assay DefaultAssay(so.query) SCT
N genes for correlation nrow(cor.mat) 14575
Run Time (s) elapsed.time 276.98
Run Identifier run.id output_81004PM

System Info

R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)

Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

locale: LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252, LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252, LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252, LC_NUMERIC=C and LC_TIME=English_Canada.1252

attached base packages: stats4, parallel, grid, stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, datasets, methods and base

other attached packages: RISmed(v.2.3.0), heatmaply(v.1.2.1), ggdendro(v.0.1.22), lme4(v.1.1-27.1), Matrix(v.1.3-4), variancePartition(v.1.18.3), scales(v.1.1.1), limma(v.3.44.3), presto(v.1.0.0), data.table(v.1.14.0), Rcpp(v.1.0.7), viridis(v.0.6.2), viridisLite(v.0.4.0), cowplot(v.1.1.1), RColorBrewer(v.1.1-2), schex(v.1.2.0), shiny(v.1.6.0), SingleCellExperiment(v.1.10.1), SummarizedExperiment(v.1.18.2), DelayedArray(v.0.14.1), matrixStats(v.0.61.0), GenomicRanges(v.1.40.0), GenomeInfoDb(v.1.24.2), reactome.db(v.1.70.0), fgsea(v.1.14.0), org.Hs.eg.db(v.3.11.4), org.Mm.eg.db(v.3.11.4), AnnotationDbi(v.1.52.0), IRanges(v.2.22.2), S4Vectors(v.0.26.1), Biobase(v.2.48.0), BiocGenerics(v.0.34.0), doParallel(v.1.0.16), iterators(v.1.0.13), foreach(v.1.5.1), future(v.1.22.1), ggpmisc(v.0.4.3), ggpp(v.0.4.2), DT(v.0.19), plotly(v., reshape2(v.1.4.4), plyr(v.1.8.6), scMiko(v.0.1.0), flexdashboard(v.0.5.2), tidyr(v.1.1.3), SeuratObject(v.4.0.2), Seurat(v.4.0.4), dplyr(v.1.0.7) and ggplot2(v.3.3.5)

loaded via a namespace (and not attached): utf8(v.1.2.2), reticulate(v.1.20), tidyselect(v.1.1.1), RSQLite(v.2.2.8), htmlwidgets(v.1.5.4), TSP(v.1.1-10), BiocParallel(v.1.22.0), Rtsne(v.0.15), munsell(v.0.5.0), codetools(v.0.2-16), ica(v.1.0-2), miniUI(v., withr(v.2.4.2), colorspace(v.2.0-2), highr(v.0.9), knitr(v.1.36), ROCR(v.1.0-11), tensor(v.1.5), listenv(v.0.8.0), labeling(v.0.4.2), GenomeInfoDbData(v.1.2.3), polyclip(v.1.10-0), bit64(v.4.0.5), farver(v.2.1.0), parallelly(v.1.28.1), vctrs(v.0.3.8), generics(v.0.1.0), xfun(v.0.26), R6(v.2.5.1), seriation(v.1.3.0), concaveman(v.1.1.0), bitops(v.1.0-7), spatstat.utils(v.2.2-0), cachem(v.1.0.6), assertthat(v.0.2.1), promises(v., gtable(v.0.3.0), globals(v.0.14.0), conquer(v.1.0.2), goftest(v.1.2-2), rlang(v.0.4.11), MatrixModels(v.0.5-0), splines(v.4.0.3), lazyeval(v.0.2.2), hexbin(v.1.28.2), broom(v.0.7.9), spatstat.geom(v.2.2-2), yaml(v.2.2.1), abind(v.1.4-5), crosstalk(v.1.1.1), backports(v.1.2.1), httpuv(v.1.6.3), tools(v.4.0.3), ellipsis(v.0.3.2), gplots(v.3.1.1), spatstat.core(v.2.3-0), jquerylib(v.0.1.4), ggridges(v.0.5.3), progress(v.1.2.2), zlibbioc(v.1.34.0), purrr(v.0.3.4), RCurl(v.1.98-1.3), prettyunits(v.1.1.1), rpart(v.4.1-15), deldir(v.0.2-10), pbapply(v.1.5-0), zoo(v.1.8-9), ggrepel(v.0.9.1), cluster(v.2.1.0), colorRamps(v.2.3), fs(v.1.5.0), magrittr(v.2.0.1), scattermore(v.0.7), SparseM(v.1.81), lmtest(v.0.9-38), RANN(v.2.6.1), fitdistrplus(v.1.1-5), hms(v.1.1.1), patchwork(v.1.1.1), mime(v.0.11), evaluate(v.0.14), xtable(v.1.8-4), pbkrtest(v.0.5.1), gridExtra(v.2.3), compiler(v.4.0.3), tibble(v.3.1.4), KernSmooth(v.2.23-17), crayon(v.1.4.1), minqa(v.1.2.4), htmltools(v.0.5.2), entropy(v.1.3.0), mgcv(v.1.8-33), later(v.1.3.0), DBI(v.1.1.1), tweenr(v.1.0.2), MASS(v.7.3-53), boot(v.1.3-25), igraph(v.1.2.6), pkgconfig(v.2.0.3), registry(v.0.5-1), spatstat.sparse(v.2.0-0), bslib(v.0.3.0), webshot(v.0.5.2), XVector(v.0.28.0), stringr(v.1.4.0), digest(v.0.6.27), sctransform(v.0.3.2), RcppAnnoy(v.0.0.19), spatstat.data(v.2.1-0), rmarkdown(v.2.11), leiden(v.0.3.9), fastmatch(v.1.1-3), dendextend(v.1.15.1), uwot(v.0.1.10), gtools(v.3.9.2), quantreg(v.5.86), nloptr(v., lifecycle(v.1.0.1), nlme(v.3.1-149), jsonlite(v.1.7.2), fansi(v.0.5.0), pillar(v.1.6.4), lattice(v.0.20-41), GO.db(v.3.11.4), fastmap(v.1.1.0), httr(v.1.4.2), survival(v.3.2-13), glue(v.1.4.2), png(v.0.1-7), pander(v.0.6.4), bit(v.4.0.4), ggforce(v.0.3.3), stringi(v.1.7.4), sass(v.0.4.0), blob(v.1.2.2), caTools(v.1.18.2), memoise(v.2.0.0), irlba(v.2.3.3) and future.apply(v.1.8.1)

title: "Gene Expression and Association"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`"
    orientation: columns
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    self_contained: true
    source_code: embed
      bootswatch: flatly
      - { title: "scMiko", href: "https://nmikolajewicz.github.io/scMiko/" }  
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knit: (function(inputFile, encoding) {
    rmarkdown::render(input = inputFile,
      encoding = encoding,
      output_file = if (exists("user")){paste0(
        xfun::sans_ext(inputFile), '_',user, "_", 
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      output_dir = if (exists("data.path")) paste0(data.path, "/HTML_Reports") else NULL

```{r load libraries, include=FALSE}

# clear global enviroment                          
rm(list = setdiff(ls(), c("data.path", "user")))

# initiate timer
start.time <- proc.time()

# load packages
packages2load <- c("scMiko", "Seurat", "plyr",  "dplyr", "tidyr", "reshape2", "grid", "plotly",
                   "DT", "flexdashboard", "ggpmisc", "future", "foreach", "doParallel",
                   "AnnotationDbi", "org.Mm.eg.db", "org.Hs.eg.db", "fgsea", "ggplot2", "reactome.db",
                   "schex", "RColorBrewer", "cowplot", "viridis", "viridisLite", "presto", "variancePartition", "lme4", "ggdendro")

# load packages
invisible(lapply(packages2load, library, character.only = T, quietly = T))


```{r parameter specification}

# PARAMETER SPECIFICATION ######################################################
parameter.list <- list(
  input.file = "C:/Users/Owner/Dropbox/PDF Projects - JM/Data/scRNA-seq/01_sci-RNA-seq3_Hong_Kevin_Jason/NM_HH/Data/Preprocessed_Datasets/output_34245PM_demo_zeisel_10000cell.Rdata",
  features = NULL,
  feature.format = 2, # 0 user-provided, 1 M06_features.csv, 2 discovery
  feature.csv.path = "M06_features.csv", # csv spreadsheet containing features, called by column name. Required if feature.format = 1 
  discovery.method = "Wilcoxon", # options: Wilcoxon, CDI, Gini
  discovery.pct.min = 0.05, # minimum expression fraction per group. 
  discovery.group.by = "seurat_clusters", 
  discovery.top.n = 10,
  discovery.max.n = 20,
  as.module = F,
  # Correlation parameters #####################################################
  cor.method = "cdi",                # Options: 'pearson', 'spearman', 'rho_p', 'cdi'
  cor.top.n = 100,
  cor.which.data = "data",
  cor.min.expr = 0.05,               # min expressing fraction to be included in correlation
  # General parameters #########################################################
  general.cluster.resolution = 0.5,  # Numeric [0, Inf]
  general.subsample.factor = 1,      # Numeric (0,1]
  general.subset = "no.subset",  
  general.clean.clusters = T,        # Logical. 
  general.save.pdf = F,              # Logical. 
  general.rprofile.dir = F,
  general.print.inline = F,          # Logical. 
  general.barcode.recode = list(),

  # General parameters #########################################################
  expression.do.hex = F,             # Logical. Specify whether to generate hex UMAPs (schex package)
  n.workers = parallel::detectCores(),
  developer = F


```{r assertions, include = FALSE}

# ensure all input specifications are met. 
stopifnot(parameter.list$general.cluster.resolution > 0)
stopifnot(parameter.list$general.subsample.factor > 0)
stopifnot(parameter.list$general.subsample.factor <=  1)
stopifnot(("data.frame" %in% class(parameter.list$general.subset)) || parameter.list$general.subset == "no.subset")
stopifnot(class(parameter.list$general.clean.clusters) == "logical")
stopifnot(class(parameter.list$general.save.pdf) == "logical")
stopifnot((class(parameter.list$general.barcode.recode)) == "list")
stopifnot(parameter.list$cor.method %in% c('pearson', 'spearman', 'rho_p', "cdi"))
stopifnot(parameter.list$cor.top.n > 0)
stopifnot(parameter.list$cor.which.data == "data")
stopifnot(class(parameter.list$expression.do.hex) == "logical")


```{r import appropriate csv files, include = FALSE}

if (parameter.list$feature.format==1){
  gene.sets.type1 <- read.csv(parameter.list$feature.csv.path, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(gene.sets.type1) <- rmvCSVprefix(colnames(gene.sets.type1))


```{r load data, warning = FALSE, include = FALSE}

# Specify data directories

if (parameter.list$general.rprofile.dir){
  dir.preprocessed <- "Preprocessed_Datasets/"
  if (!exists("data.path") & !exists("user")) {
    stop("data.path and user variables do not exist in global enviroment. Ensure that these are specified in .Rprofile. If specified, try restarting Rstudio.")

miko_message("Importing data...")
if ((!grepl(".Rdata|.RData", parameter.list$input.file)) & !(grepl(".rds", parameter.list$input.file))){
  parameter.list$input.file <- paste0(parameter.list$input.file, ".Rdata")

if (parameter.list$general.rprofile.dir){
  if (grepl(".Rdata|.RData", parameter.list$input.file)){
    load(paste(data.path, dir.preprocessed, parameter.list$input.file, sep = ""));
  } else if (grepl(".rds", parameter.list$input.file)) {
    so <- readRDS(paste(data.path, dir.preprocessed, parameter.list$input.file, sep = ""))
} else {
  if (grepl(".Rdata|.RData", parameter.list$input.file)){
  } else if (grepl(".rds", parameter.list$input.file)) {
    so <- readRDS(parameter.list$input.file);

if (!exists("gNames.list")) gNames.list <- prepGeneList(so, objects())

t2d <- c("ica", "tsne", "nmf", "corr", "gsva", "deg", "integration.anchors")

# prep seurat object
prep.list <- prepSeurat2(so, e2s = gNames.list, 
                         species = parameter.list$general.species, 
                         resolution= parameter.list$general.cluster.resolution, 
                         subset.data =  parameter.list$general.subset, 
                         subsample = parameter.list$general.subsample.factor, 
                         terms2drop = t2d, rmv.pattern = "so", 
                         keep.default.assay.only = T)

# unpack results
if (exists("so")) try({rm(so)}, silent = T)
so.query <- prep.list$so
current.assay <- prep.list$assay
n.cells <- prep.list$n.cell

# clean clusters
if (parameter.list$general.clean.clusters) so.query <- cleanCluster(so.query, return.plots = F)
parameter.list$general.species <- detectSpecies(so.query)


```{r input subtype data specification, include = FALSE}

meta.module.helper <- function(do.module, default.set){
  if (is.na(do.module)){
  } else if (do.module == TRUE) {
  } else if (do.module == FALSE) {

features <- as.character(parameter.list$features)

if (parameter.list$feature.format==0){
  markers_of_interest <- features
  meta.module.flag <- meta.module.helper(parameter.list$as.module,FALSE)
} else if (parameter.list$feature.format==1){
  stopifnot(features %in% names(gene.sets.type1))
  markers_of_interest <- gene.sets.type1[[features]] # REQUIRED if feature.format == 1
  meta.module.flag <- meta.module.helper( parameter.list$as.module,FALSE)
}  else if ((parameter.list$feature.format==2)) {
  meta.module.flag <- meta.module.helper( parameter.list$as.module,F)
  features <- parameter.list$features <- c()

if (exists("markers_of_interest") && "data.frame" %in% class(markers_of_interest)){
  markers_of_interest <- janitor::clean_names(markers_of_interest, "screaming_snake")


```{r recode barcodes, include = FALSE}

# recode barcodes ##############################################################
bc.list <- parameter.list$general.barcode.recode

df.meta <- so.query@meta.data
if (length(bc.list) == 0){
  df.meta$bc <- df.meta$Barcode
} else {
  df.meta$bc <- NA
  for (i in 1:length(bc.list)){
    df.meta$bc[grepl(bc.list[[i]], df.meta$Barcode)] <- names(bc.list)[i]
  df.meta$bc[is.na(df.meta$bc)] <- "Other"
so.query@meta.data <- df.meta


```{r prepare query gene list (input type 1 or 2), miko_message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include = FALSE}

importMarkers <- function(query.format, input.file = NULL, markers.of.interest = NULL, which.col = "first", which.species) {
  stopifnot(which.col %in% c("first", "all"))
  if (query.format == 1){
    if (which.species == "Hs"){
      markers.of.interest <-  toupper(markers.of.interest)
    } else {
      markers.of.interest <-  firstup(markers.of.interest)
    marker_set_name <- ""
  } else if (query.format == 2){
    spreadsheet_format <- unlist(strsplit(input.file, '[.]'))[2]
    if (spreadsheet_format == "csv") {
      markers.of.interest <- read.csv(input.file, header = TRUE)
    } else if (spreadsheet_format == "xlsx") {
      markers.of.interest <- readxl::read.xlsx(input.file, header = TRUE)
    marker_set_name <- colnames(markers.of.interest)
    if (which.col == "first"){
      spread_sheet_col <- 1
      marker_set_name <- marker_set_name[spread_sheet_col]
      markers.of.interest <- as.data.frame(as.vector(markers.of.interest[ , spread_sheet_col]))
      colnames(markers.of.interest) <- marker_set_name
    } else if (which.col == "all"){
      marker_set_name <- ""
    for (i in 1:dim(markers.of.interest)[2]){
      if (which.species == "Hs"){
        markers.of.interest[ ,i] <-  toupper(as.vector(markers.of.interest[ ,i]))
      } else {
        markers.of.interest[ ,i] <-  firstup(as.vector(markers.of.interest[ ,i]))
  output <- list(markers.of.interest, marker_set_name)
  names(output) <- c("markers.of.interest", "marker_set_name")

miko_message("Preparing geneset(s)...")

# import marker sets
if (parameter.list$feature.format == 1){
  output.markers  <- importMarkers(query.format = parameter.list$feature.format, 
                                   markers.of.interest = markers_of_interest,
                                   which.species = parameter.list$general.species)
} else if (parameter.list$feature.format == 0){
  if (parameter.list$general.species == "Hs") {
    markers_of_interest <- toupper(markers_of_interest)
  } else if (parameter.list$general.species == "Mm") {
    markers_of_interest <- firstup(markers_of_interest)

if (exists("output.markers")) markers_of_interest <- output.markers[[1]]


```{r prior log history, warning = FALSE, include = FALSE}
# get prior log history
cur.env <- objects()
module.logs <- cur.env[grep("^df.log_Module",cur.env)]


```{r define grouping var, warning = FALSE, include = FALSE}

grouping_var <- parameter.list$discovery.group.by
if (parameter.list$discovery.group.by  == "seurat_clusters"){
  group_name <- "Clusters"
} else {
  group_name <- parameter.list$discovery.group.by

# determine unique groups
u_groups <- as.vector(unique(so.query@meta.data[[grouping_var]]))

# determine number of unique groups
n_group_members <- length(u_groups)

```{r analysis log, warning = FALSE, include = FALSE}

miko_message("Updating analysis logs...")
df.log <- initiateLog("Query Feature Exploration")

df.log <- addLogEntry("Query File", parameter.list$input.file, df.log, "input.file")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Gene Set Name", features, df.log, "features")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Compute geneset module score", meta.module.flag, df.log, "meta.module.flag")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Species", parameter.list$general.species, df.log, "general.species")

if ("data.frame" %in% class(parameter.list$general.subset)){
  df.log <- addLogEntry("Which Subset Field", parameter.list$general.subset$field, df.log, "field")
  df.log <- addLogEntry("Which Subset Groups", parameter.list$general.subset$subgroups, df.log, "subgroups")    
} else if ("character" %in% class(parameter.list$general.subset)){
  df.log <- addLogEntry("Which Subset Groups", parameter.list$general.subset, df.log, "subset.df")    

df.log <- addLogEntry("Min expr. fraction for cor. analysis", parameter.list$cor.min.expr, df.log, "cor.min.expr")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Clusters cleaned", parameter.list$general.clean.clusters, df.log, "general.clean.clusters")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Cluster Resolution", parameter.list$general.cluster.resolution, df.log, "general.cluster.resolution")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Grouping Variable", group_name, df.log, "group_name")
df.log <- addLogEntry("N Groups", n_group_members, df.log, "n_group_members")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Top N correlations", parameter.list$corr.top.n, df.log, "corr.top.n")
df.log <- addLogEntry("subsample_factor", parameter.list$general.subsample.factor, df.log, "general.subsample.factor")
df.log <- addLogEntry("schex used for UMAPs", parameter.list$expression.do.hex, df.log, "expression.do.hex")
df.log <- addLogEntry("PDF saved", parameter.list$general.save.pdf, df.log, "general.save.pdf")
df.log <- addLogEntry("correlation data", parameter.list$cor.which.data , df.log, "cor.which.data")


```{r keep available markers, warning = FALSE, include = FALSE}

if (exists("markers_of_interest")){
  if (is.character(markers_of_interest)){
    which.available <- unlist(lapply(markers_of_interest, function(x){
      x %in% rownames(so.query)
    genes.not.found <- markers_of_interest[!which.available]
    try({genes.not.found <- genes.not.found[genes.not.found != ""]}, silent = T)
    markers_of_interest <- unique(markers_of_interest[which.available])
    markers_of_interest <- rmvCSVprefix(markers_of_interest)
    if (length(markers_of_interest) == 0) stop("None of queried genes found in seurat object.")
  } else if (is.data.frame(markers_of_interest)){
    colnames(markers_of_interest) <- rmvCSVprefix(colnames(markers_of_interest))


```{r TYPE2 - prepare query gene list, warning = FALSE}

if (parameter.list$feature.format == 2){
  top.n.deg <- parameter.list$discovery.top.n
  max.n.deg <- parameter.list$discovery.max.n
  ulg <- ulength(so.query@meta.data[ ,grouping_var])
  maxpergrp <- round(max.n.deg/ulg)
  if (maxpergrp < top.n.deg) top.n.deg <- maxpergrp
  if (top.n.deg < 1) top.n.deg <- 1
  if (toupper(parameter.list$discovery.method) == "WILCOXON"){
    miko_message("Running differential gene analysis...")
    deg.gene <- presto::wilcoxauc(so.query, group_by = grouping_var, seurat_assay = DefaultAssay(so.query))
    deg.gene.top <- deg.gene %>%
      dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
      dplyr::top_n(top.n.deg, auc)
    markers_of_interest <- unique(as.character(deg.gene.top$feature))
  } else if (toupper(parameter.list$discovery.method) == "GINI"){
    deg.gene <- findGiniMarkers(object = so.query, min.pct = parameter.list$discovery.pct.min,
                                group.by =grouping_var, verbose = T)
    deg.gene.top <- deg.gene %>%
      dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
      dplyr::top_n(top.n.deg, ngini)
    markers_of_interest <- unique(as.character(deg.gene.top$feature))
  } else if (toupper(parameter.list$discovery.method) == "CDI"){
    exprGene <- getExpressedGenes(object = so.query, min.pct = parameter.list$discovery.pct.min, group = grouping_var)
    deg.gene <- findCDIMarkers(object = so.query, features.x = grouping_var, features.y = exprGene, ncell.subset = 5000,
                               n.workers = parameter.list$n.workers, verbose = T)   
    deg.gene.top <- deg.gene %>%
      dplyr::group_by(feature.x) %>%
      dplyr::top_n(top.n.deg, ncdi)
    markers_of_interest <- unique(as.character(deg.gene.top$feature.y))


```{r umap by cluster, warning = FALSE, include = FALSE}

miko_message("Generating UMAP plots...")
# get GGplot handle for cluster umap
plt.umap_by_cluster <- DimPlot(so.query, reduction = "umap", group.by = "seurat_clusters", label = TRUE)  + 
  labs(title = "UMAP", subtitle = paste0(ulength(so.query@meta.data$seurat_clusters), " clusters | ", ncol(so.query), " cells")) + 
  xlab("UMAP 1") + ylab("UMAP 2") + theme_miko(legend = T)

plt.umap_by_barcode <- NULL
  plt.umap_by_barcode <- DimPlot(so.query, reduction = "umap", group.by = "Barcode", label = TRUE)  + 
  labs(title = "UMAP", subtitle = "Stratified by Barcodes") + 
  xlab("UMAP 1") + ylab("UMAP 2") + theme_miko(legend = T)
}, silent = T)

if (parameter.list$general.print.inline) {


```{r meta module , warning = FALSE}

# pool genesets if modular activity is query of interest ##########################

if(!exists("moi.df")) moi.df <- (markers_of_interest)
if (meta.module.flag == T){
  miko_message("Computing modular activity...")
  gNames <- gNames.list
  plt.clustermarkers_by_umap <- list()
  available_markers <- c()
  markers_of_interest <- names(moi.df)
  exp.mat.new <- NULL
  all.list <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(markers_of_interest)){
    # get meta module name
    cur.marker <- markers_of_interest[i]
    # clean dataset and include only those available in seurat object
    cur.features <- as.character(moi.df[,i][moi.df[,i] != ""])
    cur.features <- cleanFilterGenes(cur.features, so.query, parameter.list$general.species)
    if (length(cur.features) == 0) next
    module.name <- cur.marker
    so.query.try = NA
    so.query.try <-  try(AddModuleScore(so.query,  
                                        features = list(cur.features),
                                        ctrl = 50,
                                        name = "new.module",
                                        nbin = 5), silent = T)
    if (is.na(so.query.try)) next
    # assign name to modlue score
    names(so.query.try@meta.data)[names(so.query.try@meta.data) %in% paste("new.module", 1, sep = "")] <- module.name
    so.query@meta.data[[module.name]] <- so.query.try@meta.data[[module.name]]
    # concat scores to dataframe
    cur.module.df <- as.data.frame(so.query@meta.data[[module.name]])
    colnames(cur.module.df) <- module.name
    exp.mat.new <- bind_cols(exp.mat.new, cur.module.df)
    available_markers[i] <- module.name
    all.list[[module.name]] <- cur.features
  # get all scores and cast as matrix
  exp.mat.new.mat.t <- t(as.matrix(exp.mat.new))
  # concat scores to seurat objects
  exp.mat.1 <-so.query@assays[[DefaultAssay(so.query)]]@data
  colnames(exp.mat.new.mat.t) <- colnames(exp.mat.1)
  exp.mat.1 <- rbind(exp.mat.1, exp.mat.new.mat.t)
  so.query@assays[[DefaultAssay(so.query)]]@data <- exp.mat.1
  markers_of_interest <- available_markers[!is.na(available_markers)]

if (exists("so.query.try")) rm("so.query.try")

```{r bin cells, warning = FALSE, include = FALSE}

if (parameter.list$expression.do.hex){
  n.cells <- ncol(so.query)
  cells.per.bin <- 30
  if (round(n.cells/cells.per.bin) > 100){
    nhexbins <- 100
  } else {
  so.query <- schex::make_hexbin(so.query, nbins = round(n.cells/cells.per.bin), 
                                 dimension_reduction = "UMAP")


```{r umap expression plots, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include = FALSE}

miko_message("Generating UMAP expression plots...")
    # initialize variables
    plt.umap.1 <- list()
    plt.umap.2 <- list()
    # gNames <- gNames.list
    available_markers <- c()
    # check if point size adjustment is necessary
    if (ncol(so.query)> 50000) {
      aps <- F
      pt.size <- autoPointSize(ncol(so.query))
    } else {
      aps <- T
      pt.size <- 1
    if (class(markers_of_interest) == "data.frame") markers_of_interest <- as.vector(markers_of_interest[,1])
    if (parameter.list$discovery.group.by == "seurat_clusters") u_groups <- as.character(as.numeric(u_groups)[order(as.numeric(u_groups))])
    # query_genes_by_group <- data.frame(u_groups)
    input.marker.list <- markers_of_interest
    clustplot <- DimPlot(so.query, reduction = "umap", pt.size = aps, group.by = grouping_var, 
                         label = TRUE, repel = TRUE)  + 
      ggtitle(label = "UMAP") + xlab("UMAP 1") +  ylab("UMAP 2")
    # plot top differentially expressed genes per cluster and compare to cluster membership
    pb <- txtProgressBar(max =length(markers_of_interest), style = 3)

    for (i in c(1:(length(markers_of_interest)))) {
      # empty list where plts will be stored
      all_plts <- list()
      # highlight cluster plot
      all_plts[[1]]  <- clustplot
      cur.marker <- markers_of_interest[i]
      if (!is.na(cur.marker)){
        if (parameter.list$expression.do.hex){
          all_plts[[length(all_plts)+1]] <- schex::plot_hexbin_feature(so.query, feature=cur.marker, 
                                                                       action="mean", xlab="UMAP1", ylab="UMAP2", 
                                                                       mod = DefaultAssay(so.query),
                                                                       type = "data")
        } else {
          # only use nebulosa for single gene expression profiles.
          if (meta.module.flag){
            all_plts[[length(all_plts)+1]] <- FeaturePlot(
              object = so.query,
              features = cur.marker,
              pt.size = aps
            )  +
              theme_miko(legend = T) +
              scale_color_gradient2(high = scales::muted("red"), low = scales::muted("blue")) + 
              labs(title = "", subtitle =cur.marker, x = "UMAP 1", y = "")
          } else {
            is.success.plot <- F
            do.nebullosa <- F
            if (do.nebullosa){
                all_plts[[length(all_plts)+1]] <- Nebulosa::plot_density(
                  object = so.query,
                  features = cur.marker,
                  slot = "data",
                  joint = FALSE,
                  reduction = "umap",
                  dims = c(1, 2),
                  method = c("ks", "wkde"),
                  adjust = 1,
                  size = pt.size,
                  shape = 16,
                  combine = TRUE,
                  pal = "inferno"
                )  +
                  theme_miko(legend = T) +
                  scale_color_gradient(low = "grey95", high = "tomato") +
                  labs(title = "", subtitle =cur.marker, x = "UMAP 1", y = "")
                theme_miko(legend = T) 

                is.success.plot <- T
              }, silent = T)            
            if (!is.success.plot){
              all_plts[[length(all_plts)+1]] <- exprUMAP(
                object = so.query,
                feature = cur.marker,
                size = aps
              ) +
                theme_miko(legend = T) +
                labs(title = "", subtitle =cur.marker)
      if (length(all_plts) == 2){
        current.ind <- length(plt.umap.1)+1
        plt.umap.1[[current.ind]] <- all_plts[[1]]
        plt.umap.2[[current.ind]] <- all_plts[[2]]
        available_markers[length(available_markers)+1] <- markers_of_interest[i]
        if (parameter.list$general.print.inline) print((CombinePlots(all_plts, ncol = length(all_plts), legend = 'none')))
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

    # remove NA entries
    available_markers <- available_markers[!is.na(available_markers)]
    # assign names marker names to each plot
    names(plt.umap.1) <- names(plt.umap.2) <- available_markers

available_markers_original_order <- available_markers
available_markers <- available_markers[order(available_markers)]


```{r remove genes with zero variance}

miko_message("Omitting zero variance genes...")

v.mat <- so.query@assays[[DefaultAssay(so.query)]]@data
v.mat <- v.mat[rownames(v.mat) %in% available_markers, ]
# check if all genes have variance
if( ! is(v.mat, "sparseMatrix")){
  # check if values are NA
  countNA = sum(is.nan(v.mat)) + sum(!is.finite(v.mat))
  if( countNA > 0 ){
    stop("There are ", countNA, " NA/NaN/Inf values in exprObj\nMissing data is not allowed")
  if (is.numeric(v.mat)){
    rv = var(v.mat)
  } else {
    rv = apply(v.mat, 1, var)
} else{
  rv = c()
  for( i in seq_len(nrow(v.mat)) ){
    rv[i] = var(v.mat[i,])
if( any( rv == 0) ){
  omit.which = rownames(v.mat)[which(rv == 0)]
  available_markers <- available_markers[!(available_markers %in% omit.which)]


```{r single cell expression, fig.width=10, fig.height=4, warning = FALSE, include = FALSE}
# include = FALSE, 
miko_message("Generating expression plots...")
# clean up
try({ rm(exp.mat); rm(exp.mat.2); rm(exp.mat.complete) }, silent = T)

e.mat <- exp.mat.complete <- so.query@assays[[DefaultAssay(so.query)]]@data
e.mat.log <- log1p(e.mat)
rm(e.mat); invisible({gc()})

f.mat.clust <- avgGroupExpression(
  so = so.query,
  which.features =  available_markers,
  which.data = "data",
  which.center = "fraction",
  which.group = "seurat_clusters"
try({rownames(f.mat.clust) <- rownames(e.mat.log)}, silent = T)


f.mat.bc <- avgGroupExpression(
  so = so.query,
  which.features =  available_markers,
  which.data = "data",
  which.center = "fraction",
  which.group = "bc"
try({rownames(f.mat.bc) <- rownames(e.mat.log)}, silent = T)

ubcl <- tryCatch(ulength(so.query@meta.data$bc), error = function(e) return(1))

plt.sgExp.all <- pbapply::pblapply(1:length(available_markers), function(x){
  i <- x[[1]]

  font.size <- 20
  plt.sgExp.clust <- expression.Plot(so = so.query, e.mat = e.mat.log, f.mat = f.mat.clust, 
                                     show.full.axis = F, show.violin = F, font.size = font.size,
                                     which.gene = available_markers[i], which.group = "seurat_clusters", 
                                     which.data = "data", x.label = "Cluster", verbose = F) 

  is.success <- F
  if (ubcl > 1){
      plt.sgExp.barcode <- expression.Plot(so = so.query, e.mat = e.mat.log, f.mat = f.mat.bc, 
                                           show.full.axis = F, show.violin = F, font.size = font.size,
                                           which.gene = available_markers[i], which.group = "bc", which.data = "data",
                                           x.label = "Sample", x.label.angle = 25, verbose = F) +  
        labs(title = "", subtitle = "Samples", 
             caption = "violin = normalized expression\ndot = expression mean\nbar = expressin fraction")  
      is.success <- T
  if (is.success){
    plt.sgExp <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = list(plt.sgExp.clust, plt.sgExp.barcode), ncol = 2)
  } else {
    plt.sgExp <-plt.sgExp.clust


names(plt.sgExp.all) <- available_markers


```{r gene-gene associations,warning=FALSE}

miko_message("Computing feature associations...")
which.data <- parameter.list$cor.which.data
stopifnot(which.data %in% c("data", "scale"))

if (which.data == "data"){
  query.cor <- "similarity.data"
} else if (which.data == "scale"){
  query.cor <- "similarity.scale"

compute.cor <- T

# compute correlation matrix
if (compute.cor) {
  # entire matrix
  exp.mat.complete <- getExpressionMatrix(so.query, which.data = which.data)

  # filter matrix to include expressed and query features
  is.exp <- exp.mat.complete > 0
  p.exp <- rowMeans(is.exp)
  which.keep <- rownames(exp.mat.complete)[which(p.exp > parameter.list$cor.min.expr)]
  which.keep2 <-  rownames(exp.mat.complete)[rownames(exp.mat.complete) %in% available_markers]
  exp.mat <- exp.mat.complete[rownames(exp.mat.complete) %in% unique(c(which.keep, which.keep2)), ]

  # ensure no negative values (necessary for proportionality association metrics)
  if ((min(exp.mat.complete) < 0) & (parameter.list$cor.method == "rho_p")) {
    exp.mat <- exp.mat + abs(min(exp.mat.complete))
    exp.mat.complete <- exp.mat.complete + abs(min(exp.mat.complete))
  df.cor.list <- NULL
  query.cor.list <- list()
  which.missing <- c()
  if (which.data == "data"){
    t.exp.mat <- scMiko::sparse2dense(exp.mat, block.size = 10000, transpose = T)    
  } else {
    t.exp.mat <- t(exp.mat)
  # calculate feature associations
  # rho proportionality constant ###############################################
  if (tolower(parameter.list$cor.method) == "rho_p"){
    query.cor.object <-  propr::perb(t.exp.mat, select = colnames(t.exp.mat))
    query.cor.mat <- query.cor.object@matrix
  # spearman correlation coefficient ############################################
  } else if (tolower(parameter.list$cor.method) == "spearman"){
    exp.map.av <- t.exp.mat[ , toupper(colnames(t.exp.mat)) %in% toupper(available_markers)]
    query.cor.mat <-  cor(t.exp.mat, exp.map.av, method = "spearman")
  # pearson correlation coefficient ############################################
  } else if (tolower(parameter.list$cor.method) == "pearson"){
    exp.map.av <- t.exp.mat[ , colnames(t.exp.mat) %in% available_markers]
    query.cor.mat <-  cor(t.exp.mat, exp.map.av)   
  # co-dependency index ########################################################
  } else if (tolower(parameter.list$cor.method) == "cdi"){
    exprGene <- tryCatch({getExpressedGenes(object = so.query, min.pct = parameter.list$cor.min.expr, group = "seurat_clusters")}, 
                         error = function(e){
                           return(getExpressedGenes(object = so.query, min.pct = parameter.list$cor.min.expr, group = NA))
    cdi.df.all <- findCDIMarkers(object = so.query, features.x = available_markers, 
                                 features.y = exprGene, n.workers = parameter.list$n.workers, verbose = T)
    cdi.df<- cdi.df.all %>% dplyr::select(c("feature.x", "feature.y", "ncdi"))
    query.cor.mat <- pivot_wider(data = cdi.df, names_from = "feature.x", values_from = "ncdi")
    query.cor.mat <- col2rowname(query.cor.mat, "feature.y")
    query.cor.mat[is.na(query.cor.mat)] <- 0

# handle single-feature query 
if ((dim(query.cor.mat)[2] == 1) & length(available_markers) == 1) colnames(query.cor.mat) <- available_markers

# clean up matrix
query.cor.mat.all <- query.cor.mat[,colnames(query.cor.mat) %in% available_markers]

if (!is.null(dim(query.cor.mat.all)) && ncol(query.cor.mat.all) == 0) stop("Correlation matrix is missing query features.")

# assign results
if (class(query.cor.mat.all) != "data.frame"){
  df.cor.list <- as.data.frame(query.cor.mat.all)
} else {
  df.cor.list <- query.cor.mat.all

if (ncol(df.cor.list) == 1) {
  df.cor.list$genes<-  rownames(query.cor.mat)
  colnames(df.cor.list)[1] <- available_markers[1]
} else {
  df.cor.list$genes <- rownames(df.cor.list)

if (!("genes" %in% colnames(df.cor.list)))  df.cor.list$genes <- rownames(df.cor.list)
which.available.markers <- available_markers[available_markers %in% colnames(df.cor.list)]
df.cor.list <- df.cor.list[ ,c("genes", which.available.markers)]

# set auto-correlations to NA
for (i in 1:ncol(df.cor.list)){
  if (colnames(df.cor.list)[i] == "genes") next
  current.gene <- colnames(df.cor.list)[i]
  which.match <- df.cor.list$genes %in% colnames(df.cor.list)[i]
  df.cor.list[which.match,current.gene] <- NA


```{r prep genes for enrichment, warning = FALSE}

miko_message("Preparing gene associations for pathway enrichment...")

if (!is.null(df.cor.list)) {
  df.cor.list.genes <- df.cor.list$genes
  df.cor.list.cor <- df.cor.list %>% dplyr::select(-c("genes"))
  mat.cor.list.cor <- as.matrix(df.cor.list.cor)
  mat.cor.list.cor <- signif(mat.cor.list.cor, 4)
  df.cor.list <- bind_cols(data.frame(genes = df.cor.list.genes), as.data.frame(mat.cor.list.cor))
  df2enrich <- as.data.frame(df.cor.list)
} else {
  df2enrich <- NULL

# ensure no duplicate exist
if (!is.null(df2enrich)){
  df2enrich <- df2enrich[!duplicated(df2enrich$genes), ]


```{r cormat heatmap, warning = FALSE}

if (exists("df.cor.list")) {
  miko_message("Similarity heatmap...")
  df.cor.list.mat <- df.cor.list
  df.cor.list.mat <- df.cor.list.mat[!duplicated(df.cor.list.mat$genes), ]
  rownames(df.cor.list.mat) <- df.cor.list.mat$genes
  df.cor.list.mat <- dplyr::select(df.cor.list.mat, -c("genes"))
  cor.mat <- as.matrix(df.cor.list.mat)
  top.n.cor <- parameter.list$cor.top.n
  n.per.query <- ceiling(0.5*top.n.cor/ncol(cor.mat))
  filter.cor <- T
  if (filter.cor){
    cor.mat.df <- as.data.frame(cor.mat)
    top.cor <- unique(as.vector(unlist(apply(cor.mat.df, 2, function(x) {
      c(rownames(cor.mat)[order(-x)][1:n.per.query], rownames(cor.mat)[order(x)][1:n.per.query])
    cor.mat.sub <- cor.mat[rownames(cor.mat) %in% top.cor, ]
    if (class(cor.mat.sub) == "numeric"){
      names(cor.mat.sub) <- rownames(cor.mat)[rownames(cor.mat) %in% top.cor]
    } else {
      rownames(cor.mat.sub) <- rownames(cor.mat)[rownames(cor.mat) %in% top.cor] 
  } else {
    cor.mat.sub <- cor.mat


```{r create cor heatmap, include= F}

# fitered correlation matrix
if ((class(cor.mat.sub) == "matrix") && (dim(cor.mat.sub)[2] > 0)) {
  cor.mat.sub <- cor.mat.sub[ ,!(is.na(apply(cor.mat.sub, 2, function(x) var(x, na.rm = T))))] 

plt.heat <- heatmaply(cor.mat.sub, scale_fill_gradient_fun = scale_fill_miko(), main = "Feature Association Matrix",
                      xlab = "Query Feature(s)", ylab = "Associated Feature(s)",
                      key.title = parameter.list$cor.method) 
  if (parameter.list$general.print.inline) {
    # plt.heat2
} else {
  plt.heat <- NULL


```{r ranked correlations, fig.height=13, fig.width=10, include = FALSE}

if (tolower(parameter.list$cor.method) == "rho_p") {
  fill.label <- "Proportionality Metric"
} else if (tolower(parameter.list$cor.method) == "spearman") {
  fill.label <- "Spearman R"
} else if (tolower(parameter.list$cor.method) == "pearson") {
  fill.label <- "Pearson R"
} else if (tolower(parameter.list$cor.method) == "cdi"){
  fill.label <- "Codependency Index"

font.size <- 20
cor.list <- list()

 pb <- txtProgressBar(max =length(available_markers), style = 3)
 genelist <- list()
 df.cor.sig <- NULL

for (i in 1:length(available_markers)){
  # all correlations
  df.cor.all <-  data.frame(genes = rownames(cor.mat), r = as.vector(cor.mat[ ,colnames(cor.mat) %in% available_markers[i]]))
  colnames(df.cor.all) <- c("genes", "r")
  df.cor.all <-  df.cor.all[df.cor.all$genes != available_markers[i], ]
  # identify significant correlations
    fdr.thresh <- 0.001
  if  (tolower(parameter.list$cor.method) != "cdi"){
    cor.fdr <- fdrtool::fdrtool(x = df.cor.all$r, statistic=c("correlation"),
                                plot=F, color.figure=F, verbose=F,
    df.cor.all$fdr <-  cor.fdr[["lfdr"]]
  } else {
    cdi.df.cur <-  cdi.df.all %>% dplyr::filter(feature.x %in% available_markers[i])
    cdi.df.cur$genes <- cdi.df.cur$feature.y
    df.cor.all <- merge(df.cor.all, cdi.df.cur, by = "genes")

  df.cor.all$sig <- (df.cor.all$fdr < fdr.thresh) & (df.cor.all$r > 0)
  # get significant genes
  df.cor.all2 <- df.cor.all %>% dplyr::arrange(-r)
  ass.genes <- df.cor.all2$genes[df.cor.all2$sig]
  df.cor.sig <- bind_rows(df.cor.sig,
                            GENE = available_markers[i],
                            N.ASSOCIATIONS = sum( df.cor.all$sig),
                            ASSOCIATED.GENES = paste(ass.genes, collapse = ", ")
  sig.threshold <- min(df.cor.all$r[df.cor.all$sig], na.rm = T)
  genelist[[available_markers[i]]] <- df.cor.all$genes[df.cor.all$sig]
  # plt.heat
  plt.cor.dist <- df.cor.all %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = r)) +
    geom_density(fill = "grey") + 
    geom_vline(xintercept = sig.threshold, linetype = "dashed", color = "tomato") + 
    ylab("Density") + 
    xlab(fill.label) + 
    theme_classic() + 
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") + 
    labs(title = "Feature Associations", 
         subtitle = paste0(sum(df.cor.all$sig)," " ,available_markers[i], "-associated features (FDR < ", fdr.thresh, ")") ) + 
    theme(axis.text.y = element_blank()) + 
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + 
    theme(text = element_text(size=font.size),
          plot.subtitle = element_text(size=15))

  # get top genes to visualize
  show.top.n <- 35
  if (tolower(parameter.list$cor.method) != "cdi"){
    show.top.n <- round(show.top.n/2)
  gene.up <- (df2enrich %>% dplyr::arrange(get(available_markers[i])))[1:show.top.n,"genes"]
  gene.down <- (df2enrich %>% dplyr::arrange(-get(available_markers[i])))[1:show.top.n ,"genes"]
  r.up <- (df2enrich %>% dplyr::arrange(get(available_markers[i])))[1:show.top.n,available_markers[i]]
  r.down <- (df2enrich %>% dplyr::arrange(-get(available_markers[i])))[1:show.top.n ,available_markers[i]]
  df.cor.sub <- data.frame(genes = c(gene.up, gene.down), r = c(r.up, r.down))       
  } else {
  gene.down <- (df2enrich %>% dplyr::arrange(-get(available_markers[i])))[1:show.top.n ,"genes"]
  r.down <- (df2enrich %>% dplyr::arrange(-get(available_markers[i])))[1:show.top.n ,available_markers[i]]
  df.cor.sub <- data.frame(genes = c(gene.down), r = c(r.down))    

  colnames(df.cor.sub) <- c("genes", "r")
  df.cor.sub <-  df.cor.sub[!(df.cor.sub$genes %in%  available_markers[i]), ]
  plt.ranked.cor.sub <- df.cor.sub %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = reorder(genes, r), y = r)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
    coord_flip() + 
    xlab("Features") + 
    geom_hline(yintercept = sig.threshold, linetype = "dashed", color = "tomato") + 
    ylab(fill.label) + 
    theme_classic() + 
    labs( subtitle = "Top Associations")  + 
   theme(text = element_text(size=font.size))
  cor.list[[available_markers[i]]] <-  cowplot::plot_grid(plt.cor.dist, plt.ranked.cor.sub, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1,4.5), align = "hv")
  if (parameter.list$general.print.inline){
    print( cor.list[[available_markers[i]]])

    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)




```{r HG enrichment}

which.enrichment <- "hg" # option = hg, gsea
if (which.enrichment == "hg"){
  exprGene <- tryCatch({getExpressedGenes(object = so.query, min.pct = 0.01, group = "seurat_clusters")}, 
                       error = function(e){return(getExpressedGenes(object = so.query, min.pct = 0.001, group = NA))})
  exprGene <- unique(c(exprGene, unlist(genelist)))

  miko_message("Running pathway enrichments...", verbose = T)

  miko_message("\tGO Biological Processes...", verbose = T, time = F)
      bp.res <- runHG(genelist, gene.universe = exprGene,
                      species = detectSpecies(so.query), pathway.db = "GO", go.ontology = "BP", verbose = F)
  miko_message("\tGO Molecular Functions...", verbose = T, time = F)
      mf.res <- runHG(genelist, gene.universe = exprGene,
                      species = detectSpecies(so.query), pathway.db = "GO", go.ontology = "MF", verbose = F)
  miko_message("\tGO Cellular Compartments...", verbose = T, time = F)
      cc.res <- runHG(genelist, gene.universe = exprGene,
                      species = detectSpecies(so.query), pathway.db = "GO", go.ontology = "CC", verbose = F)    })

  path.font.size <- 16
  bp.sum <- summarizeHG(bp.res, show.n = 5, pathway.name.size = path.font.size)
  mf.sum <- summarizeHG(mf.res, show.n = 5, pathway.name.size = path.font.size)
  cc.sum <- summarizeHG(cc.res, show.n = 5, pathway.name.size = path.font.size)
  # consolidate plots
  miko_message("Consolidating enrichment plots...", verbose = T)
  plt.enrich <- pbapply::pblapply(names(genelist), function(x){
    y = (x[[1]])
    font.size <- 20
    cowplot::plot_grid(bp.sum$plots[[y]] + 
                         labs(title = "Biological Processes", subtitle = NULL)  + 
                         theme(text = element_text(size=font.size)), 
                       mf.sum$plots[[y]] + 
                         labs(title = "Molecular Functions", subtitle = NULL)  + 
                         theme(text = element_text(size=font.size)), 
                       cc.sum$plots[[y]] + 
                         labs(title = "Cellular Components", subtitle = NULL)  + 
                         theme(text = element_text(size=font.size)), ncol = 1)
    # print(y)
  names(plt.enrich) <- names(genelist)



```{r combine expression plots v2, fig.height=15, fig.width=30}

miko_message("Consolidating results into summary report...")

dash.list <- pbapply::pblapply(1:length(available_markers), function(x){

  i <- x[[1]]
  check.1 <- available_markers[i] %in% names(plt.umap.1)
  check.2 <- available_markers[i] %in% names(plt.umap.2)
  check.3 <- available_markers[i] %in% names(plt.sgExp.all)
  check.4 <- available_markers[i] %in% names(cor.list)
  # get component plots
  if (!(check.1 & check.2 & check.3 & check.4)) return(NULL)
  # specify function for combining plots
  combo.function <- cowplot::plot_grid

  font.size <- 20
  p1 <- plt.umap.1[[available_markers[i]]] + 
    theme_miko(legend = F) + labs(caption = "UMAP", subtitle = "Clusters", title = NULL) + 
    theme_void() + theme(legend.position = "none") +
    theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    theme(text = element_text(size=font.size))
  p2 <- plt.umap.2[[available_markers[i]]]+ 
    theme_miko(legend = F) + labs(title = NULL, subtitle = paste0("Expression")) + 
    theme_void() + labs(color = "Expr.") + theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    theme(text = element_text(size=font.size))
  class(p1) <- class(p2) <- c("gg", "ggplot")
  top.lq <- combo.function(p1, p2,
                           labels = c("A", "B"),
                           align = "h", axis = "tb",
                           ncol = 2, nrow = 1, rel_widths =  c(2,2) , label_size = 25#, "C" , 0.5 , labels = c("A", "B", "C")
  low.lq <- plt.sgExp.all[[available_markers[i]]] +
    theme(text = element_text(size=font.size))
  lq <- combo.function( top.lq, low.lq, ncol = 1,  rel_heights = c(2,2),  labels = c("", "C"), label_size = 25)
  mc <- combo.function(cor.list[[available_markers[i]]], 
                       plt.enrich[[available_markers[i]]] , ncol = 2, rel_widths = c(1,1),
                       labels = c("D", "E"), label_size = 25)
  mq <- combo.function(lq, mc,  rel_widths = c( 3,3),
                       ncol = 2)   



names(dash.list) <- available_markers

if (parameter.list$general.print.inline){
  # dash.list$POU5F1

```{r cluster-wise expression data}

# cluster information
cluster.membership <- so.query@meta.data[[grouping_var]]
u.clusters <- unique(as.numeric(as.character((cluster.membership))))
u.clusters <- u.clusters[order(u.clusters)]

# aggregate expression matrix
if (exists("exp.mat")){
  exp.mat.scale <- exp.mat
} else {
  exp.mat.scale <- exp.mat.complete[rownames(exp.mat.complete) %in% available_markers, ]

gene.scale.name <- rownames(exp.mat.scale)
cell.scale.name <- colnames(exp.mat.scale)

# percentage expressed (observed)
per.dot.score <- DotPlot(so.query, features = available_markers, group.by = grouping_var)[["data"]]
per.dot.score$genes <- per.dot.score$features.plot
per.dot.score$id <- as.numeric(as.character( per.dot.score$id))
per.dot.score.sub <- per.dot.score[ ,c("id", "avg.exp.scaled", "genes")]
colnames(per.dot.score.sub) <- c("cluster", "expression", "genes")
per.dot.score.wide <- pivot_wider(per.dot.score.sub, names_from = "cluster", values_from = "expression")
gene.names.row <- per.dot.score.wide$genes
per.dot.score.wide <- dplyr::select(per.dot.score.wide, -c("genes"))
per.dot.score.wide <- per.dot.score.wide[ ,as.character(u.clusters)]
rownames(per.dot.score.wide) <- gene.names.row

# cast expression data as matrix
exp.mat.scale.processed <- as.matrix(per.dot.score.wide)
exp.mat.av <- exp.mat.scale.processed[rownames(exp.mat.scale.processed) %in% available_markers, ]

if (!is.null(dim(exp.mat.av))) exp.mat.av <- exp.mat.av[complete.cases(exp.mat.av), ]


```{r create exp heatmap object , include= F}

# clust.success <- F
if (class(exp.mat.av) == "matrix") {
    # scale.lim <- max(abs(exp.mat.av), na.rm = T)
    plt.heat.availableGenes <-  heatmaply::heatmaply(x = t(exp.mat.av),
                                                     main = "Feature Expression",
                                                     key.title = "Average\nScaled\nExpression", 
                                                     xlab = "Features", 
                                                     ylab = group_name,
                                                     scale_fill_gradient_fun = scale_fill_miko()) 
    # clust.success <- T
  }, silent = T)

# plt.heat.availableGenes

# else {
#   gene.order.av <- rownames(exp.mat.scale.processed)[rownames(exp.mat.scale.processed) %in% available_markers]
#   cluster.order.av <- colnames(exp.mat.scale.processed)
#   plt.heat.availableGenes <- NULL
# }

# plt.heat.availableGenes[["x"]][["layout"]][["xaxis"]][["ticktext"]]

# if (!clust.success){
  gene.order.av <- rownames(exp.mat.scale.processed)[rownames(exp.mat.scale.processed) %in% available_markers]
  cluster.order.av <- colnames(exp.mat.scale.processed)
    if (all(plt.heat.availableGenes[["x"]][["layout"]][["xaxis"]][["ticktext"]] %in% gene.order.av)){
      gene.order.av <- plt.heat.availableGenes[["x"]][["layout"]][["xaxis"]][["ticktext"]]
    if (all(plt.heat.availableGenes[["x"]][["layout"]][["yaxis2"]][["ticktext"]] %in% cluster.order.av)){
      cluster.order.av <-plt.heat.availableGenes[["x"]][["layout"]][["yaxis2"]][["ticktext"]]
  }, silent = T)

  if (!exists("plt.heat.availableGenes")) plt.heat.availableGenes <- NULL  
# }

if (parameter.list$general.print.inline){


```{r get dot size helper function}

get.dot.size <- function(gene.list){
  n.genes <- length(gene.list)
  if (n.genes < 11) xlab.size <- 15
  if (n.genes > 10) xlab.size <- 12
  if (n.genes > 40) xlab.size <- 10
  if (n.genes > 50) xlab.size <- 9


```{r create dot plots, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 10}

# dot plot

# order clusters according to hierarchial clustering
if (exists("cluster.order.av")){
  so.query@meta.data[[grouping_var]] <- factor(so.query@meta.data[[grouping_var]], 

plt.dot.list <- list()

if (!(exists("gene.order.av"))) gene.order.av <- available_markers_original_order

# scale label sizes accordingly
xlab.size <- get.dot.size(gene.order.av)

# create dotplo
plt.dot.list[["Dot.All"]] <-  DotPlot(so.query, features = factor(gene.order.av, levels = gene.order.av), 
                                      group.by = grouping_var, 
                                      dot.scale = 8,
                                      cols="RdBu" ) + 
  labs(title = "Feature Expression", fill = "Scaled\nExpression", color = "Scaled\nExpression",  
       size = "Percent\nExpressed",  y = group_name) + 
  RotatedAxis() + 
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=xlab.size, angle = 75)) + 
  scale_fill_miko() + 

plt.dot.list[["Dot.All"]] <- ggplotly(
  p = plt.dot.list[["Dot.All"]]

if (parameter.list$general.print.inline) {
  print( plt.dot.list[["Dot.All"]])


```{r get public gene annotations}

df.annotation_clean <- NULL 


citation.result <- citationCheck(gene.query = available_markers)
df.citation <- citation.result[["df.pubmed"]]
colnames(df.citation) <- c("GENE", "N.CITATIONS")

if (parameter.list$general.species %in% "Hs"){
  df.annotation <- AnnotationDbi::select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = available_markers,columns = unique(c("GENENAME",  "ALIAS", "ENSEMBL", "ENTREZID", "UNIPROT", "GO")), keytype =  'SYMBOL')
} else if (parameter.list$general.species %in% "Mm"){
  df.annotation <- AnnotationDbi::select(org.Mm.eg.db, keys = available_markers,columns = unique(c("GENENAME",  "ALIAS", "ENSEMBL", "ENTREZID", "UNIPROT", "GO")), keytype =  'SYMBOL')

# get GO annotations
annots <-  AnnotationDbi::select(GO.db::GO.db, keys=unique(df.annotation$GO), columns=c("GOID", "TERM", "ONTOLOGY"), keytype="GOID")
annots$label = paste0(annots$GOID, "_", annots$ONTOLOGY, "_", annots$TERM)

# getAnnotationPathways()
# df.cor.sig

for (i in 1:length(available_markers)){
  df.current_annotation <- df.annotation %>% dplyr::filter(SYMBOL %in% available_markers[i])
  u.symbol <- unique(df.current_annotation$SYMBOL)
  u.genename <- unique(df.current_annotation$GENENAME)
  u.alias <- unique(df.current_annotation$ALIAS)
  u.ensembl <- unique(df.current_annotation$ENSEMBL)
  u.entrez <- unique(df.current_annotation$ENTREZID)
  u.uniprot <- unique(df.current_annotation$UNIPROT)
  u.go <- unique(df.current_annotation$GO)
  u.evidence <- unique(df.current_annotation$EVIDENCE)
  u.ontology <- unique(df.current_annotation$ONTOLOGY)

  u.uniprot <- u.uniprot[!is.na(u.uniprot)]
  if (length(u.uniprot) > 0){
    uniprot_link <- paste0("https://uniprot.org/uniprot/", u.uniprot)
  } else {
    uniprot_link <- NA
  u.ensembl <- u.ensembl[!is.na(u.ensembl)]
  if (length(u.ensembl) > 0){
    if (parameter.list$general.species %in% "Hs"){
      ensembl_link <- paste0("https://useast.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Gene/Summary?db=core;g=", u.ensembl)
    } else if (parameter.list$general.species %in% "Mm"){
      ensembl_link <- paste0("https://useast.ensembl.org/Mus_musculus/Gene/Summary?db=core;g=", u.ensembl)
  } else {
    ensembl_link <- NA
  u.symbol <- u.symbol[!is.na(u.symbol)]
  if (length(u.symbol) > 0){
    symbol_link <- paste0("https://www.genecards.org/cgi-bin/carddisp.pl?gene=", u.symbol)
  } else {
  # go terms
  go_current <- unique(annots$TERM[annots$GOID %in% u.go])
    go_current <- go_current[!is.na(go_current)]
  go_current <- paste(go_current, collapse = ", ")

  if (length(go_current) == 0){
    go_current <- NA
  df.annotation_clean <- bind_rows(df.annotation_clean, 
                                     GENE = u.symbol,
                                     SYMBOL = paste(paste0('',u.symbol,''), collapse = ", "),
                                     GENENAME = paste(u.genename, collapse = ", "),
                                     ALIAS = paste(u.alias, collapse = ", "),
                                     ENSEMBL = paste(paste0('',u.ensembl,''), collapse = ", "),
                                     UNIPROT = paste(paste0('',u.uniprot,''), collapse = ", "),
                                     GO = go_current

df.annotation_clean <- merge(df.annotation_clean, df.citation, by = "GENE", all = T)
df.annotation_clean <- merge(df.annotation_clean, df.cor.sig, by = "GENE", all = T)
df.annotation_clean <- df.annotation_clean %>% dplyr::select(-c("GENE"))

}, silent = T)

dt.ann <- datatable(data = df.annotation_clean,
          filter = 'top',
          extensions = 'Buttons',
          options = list(pageLength = 50,
                         dom = 'Bfrtip',
                         autoWidth = TRUE,
                         scrollX = TRUE,
                         columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets=c(3, 6, 9))),
                         buttons = c(I('colvis'), 'copy', 'csv', 'pdf')),
          escape = colnames(df.annotation_clean)[!(colnames(df.annotation_clean) %in% c("SYMBOL", "UNIPROT", "ENSEMBL"))])

if (parameter.list$general.print.inline){


```{r central log}

# update central log

if (parameter.list$developer){
run.id <- NULL
if (!exists("user")) user <- "guest"

clog.update.success <- F
  run.id <-  updateCentralLog(Module = "M06", input.data = input.file, input.subset = NA, pdf.flag = parameter.list$general.save.pdf)
  clog.update.success <-  T
}, silent = F)
if (is.null(run.id))  {
  warning("Central log update was unsuccessful :(\n")
  run.id <- paste("M06_", user, "_r", paste0(format(Sys.time(), '%s')), sep = "", collapse = "")
} else {
  run.id <- paste("output_", gsub(":| ", "", paste0(format(Sys.time(), '%X'))), sep = "", collapse = "")


```{r setup output directories}

# output path
if (!exists("data.path")) data.path = ""
output.path <- paste0(data.path, "Module_Outputs/", paste0(run.id,"_",format(Sys.time(), '%d%m%y'), "/"))

# create output directories
if (parameter.list$general.save.pdf) {
dir.create(paste0(output.path, "Tables/"))
dir.create(paste0(output.path, "PDF/"))



Sidebar {.sidebar data-width=300}

For details on the **Gene Expression and Association** scPipeline module, see [documentation](https://nmikolajewicz.github.io/scMiko/articles/scPipeline_module_overview.html).\


**Description**: Overview of scRNA-seq sample and queried genes. 


**Sample Overview**. UMAP representation of scRNA-seq sample. 

**Query gene information table**. View additional columns using *Column visibility* button.\


**SYMBOL**: gene symbol, [Genecards](https://www.genecards.org/) linked.\
**GENENAME**: full gene name\
**ALIAS**: synonyms and alternative names\
**ENSEMBL**: [ENSEMBL](https://useast.ensembl.org/index.html) identifiers\
**UNIPROT**: [Uniprot](https://www.uniprot.org/) identifiers\
**GO**: [Gene ontology](http://geneontology.org/) (GO) terms associated with query gene. *These are not the same GO terms that are enriched and summarized in the Results tab*.\
**N.CITATIONS**: Number of [MEDLINE](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) publications citing gene.\ 
**N.ASSOCIATIONS**: Number of genes significantly associated with query gene (FDR < 0.001).\
**ASSOCIATED.GENES**: list of genes significantly associated with query gene (FDR < 0.001).\


Genes evaluated, n: `r length(available_markers)`\

Cells, n: `r ncol(so.query)`\
Genes, n: `r nrow(so.query)`\
Variable genes, n: `r length(VariableFeatures(so.query))`\

UMI/cell, median: `r round(median(so.query@meta.data[["nCount_RNA"]]))`\
genes/cell, median: `r round(median(so.query@meta.data[["nFeature_RNA"]]))`\
Species: `r parameter.list$species`


Column {data-width=350} 

### Sample Overview

```{r plt.umap_by_c, fig.width=5.2, fig.height=5}
plt.umap_by_cluster <- plt.umap_by_cluster + theme(legend.position = "none")
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M06_umap_cluster.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.umap_by_cluster, 
        fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$general.save.pdf)

Column {data-width=650} 

### Query Gene Information


```{r plt.umap_by_b}

# try({
#  savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M06_umap_barcode.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.umap_by_barcode, 
#         fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$general.save.pdf)
# }, silent =T)
# if (("Barcode") %in% colnames(so.query@meta.data)){
#   if (ulength(so.query@meta.data$Barcode) > 1){
#     do.bc <- T
#   } else {
#     do.bc <- F
#   }
# }
# a1 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = sprintf("### %s\n", "Barcodes"))  # tab header
# a2 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = sprintf("\n```{r %s}", 
#                                         paste("plt.umap_by_b", 1, sep = "")))
# a3 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = sprintf("\n %s", "print(plt.umap_by_barcode)"))
# a4 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = "\n```\n") # end r chunk
# a1.chunk <- paste(a1, a2, a3, a4, collapse = '\n') 
# `r if (do.bc){paste(knitr::knit(text = paste(a1.chunk, collapse = '\n')))}`



Sidebar {.sidebar}


**Description**: Feature/gene expression analysis.\


Expression visualized using **dotplot** and **heatmap**.\

Data are group-averaged expression values, scaled by feature (column-wise).\


Row {.tabset}

### Expression Dotplot

```{r dot plot}

}, silent = T)


```{r pdf dotplots,include = FALSE}

for (i in 1:length(plt.dot.list)){
  plot.name <- paste0("M06_expression_dotplot_", names(plt.dot.list)[i] ,".pdf")
  savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", plot.name), 
          plot.handle =  plt.dot.list[[i]], 
          fig.width = 20, fig.height = 20, save.flag = parameter.list$general.save.pdf)


### Expression Heatmap

```{r expr map}

if (!is.null(plt.heat.availableGenes)) {

  savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M06_expression_heatmap.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.heat.availableGenes, 
          fig.width = 20, fig.height = 20, save.flag = parameter.list$general.save.pdf)

}, silent = T)



Sidebar {.sidebar}


**Description**: Feature summary reports, including expression, associations, and functional annotations. 


**Figure Legends**:\
**A|** UMAP representation of cell clusters.\
**B|** Feature expression overlaid on UMAP.\
**C|** Expression plots. Groups were hierarchially-clustered using normalized expression, expressing fraction and expression variance. *Barplots*: expressing fraction, *dots*: normalized expression. \
**D|** Feature association distribution (*top*) and rankings (*bottom*).*Dashed red line*: Significance threshold. \
**E|** GO enrichment of significant feature-associations. *Dashed vertical line*: 5% FDR threshold. 


Row {.tabset}

```{r dash, fig.width=30, fig.height=12}

  out <- lapply(seq_along(dash.list), function(i) {
    a1 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = sprintf("### %s\n", names(dash.list)[i])) # tab header
    a2 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = sprintf("\n```{r %s, fig.width=30, fig.height=15}", 
                                            paste(i, "dash")))  #, fig.width=50, fig.height=30
    a3 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = sprintf("\nplot(dash.list[[%d]])", i))
    a4 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = "\n```\n") # end r chunk
    paste(a1, a2, a3, a4, collapse = '\n') # collapse together all lines with newline separator
}, silent = T)


`r paste(knitr::knit(text = paste(out, collapse = '\n')))`

```{r pdf dash,include = FALSE}

for (i in 1:length(dash.list)){
  plot.name <- paste0("M06_summary_", names(dash.list)[i] ,".pdf")
  savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", plot.name),
          plot.handle =  (dash.list[[i]]),
          fig.width = 30, fig.height = 12, save.flag = parameter.list$general.save.pdf)



Sidebar {.sidebar}


**Description**: Feature association table and similarity matrix.\


**Association table**. Top features associated with the query features.\

**Similarity matrix**. Heatmap of hierarchically-clustered similarity between query- (x-axis) and associated- (y-axis) features. *Note* that if only one query feature was provided, a rank plot showing the top associated features is shown instead.\

**Note**, for both of the above reports, only the top N associated features are shown, and this may not reflect the entire list of associated features. 

**Significant associations**. Table of summarizing all features that were significantly associated with the query feature(s) (FDR < 0.001). 


Row {.tabset}

### Association Table

```{r correlation table - top}

if (class(cor.mat.sub) == "matrix"){
  df.cor.list.sub <- df.cor.list[df.cor.list$genes %in% rownames(cor.mat.sub), ]
} else if  (class(cor.mat.sub) == "numeric"){
  df.cor.list.sub <- df.cor.list[df.cor.list$genes %in% names(cor.mat.sub), ]

if (parameter.list$general.save.pdf){
  write.csv(cor.mat, file = paste0(output.path, "Tables/", "correlations.csv"), 
          row.names = T) 



### Similarity Matrix

```{r query similarity heatmap - top, fig.width=10, fig.height=13}

  if (length(markers_of_interest) == 1){
    plt.dis.rank.cor <- cowplot::plot_grid(cowplot::plot_grid(plt.cor.dist, NULL, rel_heights = c(1,2), ncol = 1), plt.ranked.cor.sub, ncol = 2)
    savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M06_ranked_correlations.pdf"), 
            plot.handle = plt.dis.rank.cor, 
            fig.width = 10, fig.height =13, save.flag = parameter.list$general.save.pdf)
  } else {
    savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M06_similarity_heatmap.pdf"), 
            plot.handle = plt.heat, 
            fig.width = 10, fig.height =13, save.flag = parameter.list$general.save.pdf)
}, silent = T)


### Significant Associations

```{r sig feat associations}
sig_features <- namedList2wideDF(genelist)


```{r save results}

# Update analysis log
n.cells.analyzed <- ncol(so.query)
df.log <- addLogEntry("N Cells", n.cells.analyzed, df.log, "n.cells.analyzed")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Correlation Metric", parameter.list$cor.method, df.log, "cor.method")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Query Markers", markers_of_interest, df.log, "markers_of_interest")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Seurat Assay", DefaultAssay(so.query), df.log, "DefaultAssay(so.query)")
if (exists("exp.mat")) df.log <- addLogEntry("N genes for correlation", nrow(cor.mat), df.log, "nrow(cor.mat)")
if (exists("genes.not.found")) df.log <- addLogEntry("Genes not found", genes.not.found, df.log, "genes.not.found")

# Run time
end.time <- proc.time()
elapsed.time <- round((end.time - start.time)[[3]], 2)
df.log <- addLogEntry("Run Time (s)", elapsed.time, df.log, "elapsed.time")

df.log <- addLogEntry("Run Identifier", run.id, df.log, "run.id")
if (parameter.list$developer){
  df.log <- addLogEntry("User", user, df.log, "user")
  df.log <- addLogEntry("Central Log Updated", clog.update.success, df.log, "clog.update.success")
df.log_Module_6 <- df.log


```{r ph10,  echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE}
out1 <- flex.multiTabLogs(module.logs)

`r paste(knitr::knit(text = paste(out1, collapse = '\n')))`

Log (M6)

```{r table.log_current}

```{r save analysis log as csv}

  if (parameter.list$developer){
  write.csv(df.log_Module_6, file = paste0(output.path, "Tables/", "analysisLog.csv"), 
            row.names = F)  
}, silent = T)


System Info


