[1] "GENE" "detection_rate" "gmean"
[4] "variance" "residual_mean" "residual_variance"
[7] "theta" "(Intercept)" "log_umi"
[10] "genes_log_gmean_step1" "step1_theta" "step1_(Intercept)"
[13] "step1_log_umi"
Description | Variable Name | Value |
Module | Preprocessing & QC | |
Date | Sys.time() | 2022-01-24 15:45:53 |
Input Expression Matrix | input_data | C:/Users/Owner/Dropbox/PDF Projects - JM/R Packages/scMiko/data/cao2019_count_matrix.rds |
gene/cell Upper Limit (N/cell) | gene.upperlimit | 9000 |
gene/cell Lower Limit (N/cell) | gene.lowerlimit | 200 |
Filtered by unmatched reads | unmatched.rate.filter.flag | TRUE |
Mitochondrial Content Upper Limit (%/cell) | mt.upperlimit | 10 |
Data Subsampled | subsampled | FALSE |
Cluster Resolution | cluster.resolution | 1 |
Filtered by species | species.filter.flag | FALSE |
Number of Workers | normScale | 1 |
Variables regressed out | vars2regress | percent.mt |
Input Species | all_input_organisms | |
Feature selection method | feature.select.method | hvg |
PCA component selection method | pca.component.select.method | cum_var |
Normalization Method | norm_method | SCT |
PCA Method | pca.method | pca |
Principal Components Included | nDim | 39 |
Unmatched rate upper limit | unmatch.high | 1 |
Unmatched rate lower limit | unmatch.low | 0 |
nPCA components used | nDim | 39 |
Run Time (s) | elapsed.time | 151.66 |
Run Identifier | run.id | output_34818PM |
Scaling method | scale.method | sct |
Output Saved | save.flag | TRUE |
R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
locale: LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252, LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252, LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252, LC_NUMERIC=C and LC_TIME=English_Canada.1252
attached base packages: parallel, stats4, stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, datasets, methods and base
other attached packages: reticulate(v.1.20), gplots(v.3.1.1), future(v.1.22.1), DT(v.0.19), gridExtra(v.2.3), RColorBrewer(v.1.1-2), Matrix(v.1.3-4), reshape2(v.1.4.4), plyr(v.1.8.6), sctransform(v.0.3.2), schex(v.1.2.0), shiny(v.1.6.0), SingleCellExperiment(v.1.10.1), SummarizedExperiment(v.1.18.2), DelayedArray(v.0.14.1), matrixStats(v.0.61.0), Biobase(v.2.48.0), GenomicRanges(v.1.40.0), GenomeInfoDb(v.1.24.2), IRanges(v.2.22.2), S4Vectors(v.0.26.1), BiocGenerics(v.0.34.0), cowplot(v.1.1.1), WGCNA(v.1.70-3), fastcluster(v.1.2.3), dynamicTreeCut(v.1.63-1), ggpubr(v.0.4.0), scMiko(v.0.1.0), flexdashboard(v.0.5.2), tidyr(v.1.1.3), SeuratObject(v.4.0.2), Seurat(v.4.0.4), dplyr(v.1.0.7), ggplot2(v.3.3.5), viridis(v.0.6.2) and viridisLite(v.0.4.0)
loaded via a namespace (and not attached): ggthemes(v.4.2.4), scattermore(v.0.7), bit64(v.4.0.5), knitr(v.1.36), irlba(v.2.3.3), data.table(v.1.14.0), rpart(v.4.1-15), RCurl(v.1.98-1.3), doParallel(v.1.0.16), generics(v.0.1.0), preprocessCore(v.1.50.0), RSQLite(v.2.2.8), RANN(v.2.6.1), proxy(v.0.4-26), bit(v.4.0.4), spatstat.data(v.2.1-0), httpuv(v.1.6.3), assertthat(v.0.2.1), xfun(v.0.26), hms(v.1.1.1), jquerylib(v.0.1.4), evaluate(v.0.14), promises(v., fansi(v.0.5.0), caTools(v.1.18.2), readxl(v.1.3.1), igraph(v.1.2.6), DBI(v.1.1.1), htmlwidgets(v.1.5.4), spatstat.geom(v.2.2-2), purrr(v.0.3.4), ellipsis(v.0.3.2), crosstalk(v.1.1.1), RSpectra(v.0.16-0), backports(v.1.2.1), deldir(v.0.2-10), vctrs(v.0.3.8), ROCR(v.1.0-11), entropy(v.1.3.0), abind(v.1.4-5), cachem(v.1.0.6), withr(v.2.4.2), ggforce(v.0.3.3), RVenn(v.1.1.0), checkmate(v.2.0.0), goftest(v.1.2-2), cluster(v.2.1.0), lazyeval(v.0.2.2), crayon(v.1.4.1), pkgconfig(v.2.0.3), labeling(v.0.4.2), units(v.0.7-2), tweenr(v.1.0.2), nlme(v.3.1-149), nnet(v.7.3-14), rlang(v.0.4.11), globals(v.0.14.0), lifecycle(v.1.0.1), miniUI(v., cellranger(v.1.1.0), polyclip(v.1.10-0), lmtest(v.0.9-38), carData(v.3.0-4), zoo(v.1.8-9), base64enc(v.0.1-3), ggridges(v.0.5.3), png(v.0.1-7), bitops(v.1.0-7), KernSmooth(v.2.23-17), pander(v.0.6.4), blob(v.1.2.2), DelayedMatrixStats(v.1.10.1), classInt(v.0.4-3), stringr(v.1.4.0), parallelly(v.1.28.1), jpeg(v.0.1-9), rstatix(v.0.7.0), ggsignif(v.0.6.3), scales(v.1.1.1), memoise(v.2.0.0), magrittr(v.2.0.1), hexbin(v.1.28.2), ica(v.1.0-2), zlibbioc(v.1.34.0), compiler(v.4.0.3), concaveman(v.1.1.0), fitdistrplus(v.1.1-5), XVector(v.0.28.0), listenv(v.0.8.0), patchwork(v.1.1.1), pbapply(v.1.5-0), htmlTable(v.2.2.1), Formula(v.1.2-4), MASS(v.7.3-53), mgcv(v.1.8-33), tidyselect(v.1.1.1), stringi(v.1.7.4), forcats(v.0.5.1), glmGamPoi(v.1.0.0), highr(v.0.9), yaml(v.2.2.1), latticeExtra(v.0.6-29), ggrepel(v.0.9.1), grid(v.4.0.3), sass(v.0.4.0), tools(v.4.0.3), future.apply(v.1.8.1), rio(v.0.5.27), rstudioapi(v.0.13), foreach(v.1.5.1), foreign(v.0.8-80), farver(v.2.1.0), Rtsne(v.0.15), digest(v.0.6.27), pracma(v.2.3.3), Rcpp(v.1.0.7), car(v.3.0-11), broom(v.0.7.9), later(v.1.3.0), RcppAnnoy(v.0.0.19), org.Hs.eg.db(v.3.11.4), httr(v.1.4.2), AnnotationDbi(v.1.52.0), sf(v.1.0-2), colorspace(v.2.0-2), fs(v.1.5.0), tensor(v.1.5), splines(v.4.0.3), uwot(v.0.1.10), ggVennDiagram(v.1.1.4), spatstat.utils(v.2.2-0), plotly(v., xtable(v.1.8-4), jsonlite(v.1.7.2), R6(v.2.5.1), Hmisc(v.4.5-0), pillar(v.1.6.4), htmltools(v.0.5.2), mime(v.0.11), glue(v.1.4.2), fastmap(v.1.1.0), class(v.7.3-17), codetools(v.0.2-16), utf8(v.1.2.2), lattice(v.0.20-41), bslib(v.0.3.0), spatstat.sparse(v.2.0-0), tibble(v.3.1.4), curl(v.4.3.2), leiden(v.0.3.9), gtools(v.3.9.2), zip(v.2.2.0), GO.db(v.3.11.4), openxlsx(v.4.2.4), survival(v.3.2-13), rmarkdown(v.2.11), munsell(v.0.5.0), e1071(v.1.7-9), GenomeInfoDbData(v.1.2.3), iterators(v.1.0.13), impute(v.1.62.0), haven(v.2.4.3), gtable(v.0.3.0) and spatstat.core(v.2.3-0)
title: "QC and Preprocessing"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`"
orientation: rows
vertical_layout: fill
source_code: embed
bootswatch: flatly
- { title: "scMiko", href: "https://nmikolajewicz.github.io/scMiko/" }
chunk_output_type: inline
knit: (function(inputFile, encoding) {
rmarkdown::render(input = inputFile,
encoding = encoding,
output_file = if (exists("user")){paste0(
xfun::sans_ext(inputFile), '_',user, "_",
paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%d_%b_"), gsub(" ", "_", gsub(":", "_", format(Sys.time(), "%X"))), format(Sys.time(), "_%Y")), '.html'
)} else {paste0(xfun::sans_ext(inputFile), '_',"Guest", "_",
paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%d_%b_"), gsub(" ", "_", gsub(":", "_", format(Sys.time(), "%X"))), format(Sys.time(), "_%Y")), '.html')},
output_dir = if (exists("data.path")) paste0(data.path, "/HTML_Reports") else NULL
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# clear global enviroment
rm(list = setdiff(ls(), c("data.path", "user")))
# initiate timer
start.time <- proc.time()
# list of packages to load
packages2load <- c('viridis', 'scMiko', 'ggpubr', 'dplyr', 'WGCNA', 'cowplot', 'schex', 'Seurat', 'sctransform', 'plyr', 'tidyr', 'reshape2', 'Matrix', 'RColorBrewer', 'ggplot2', 'gridExtra', 'DT', 'flexdashboard', 'future', 'gplots', 'reticulate')
# load packages
invisible(lapply(packages2load, library, character.only = TRUE, quietly = T))
```{r c2 - parameter_specification}
# specify parameters
parameter.list <- list(
# input parameters
input.object = NULL,
input.cell_ranger = NULL,
input.matrix = "C:/Users/Owner/Dropbox/PDF Projects - JM/R Packages/scMiko/data/cao2019_count_matrix.rds",
# output parameters
save.flag = T,
output.object.directory = "Preprocessed_Datasets/",
output.object.file = "demo_cao2019_10000cell.Rdata",
# analysis parameters
subsample.n = NA,
cluster.resolution = 1,
gene.upperlimit = 9000,
gene.lowerlimit = 200,
mt.upperlimit = 10,
unmatched.rate.filter.flag = T,
vars2regress = c("percent.mt"),
correct.artifact = T,
feature.select.method = "hvg", # options: hvg (recommended), deviance
scale.method = "sct", # option: sct (recommended), null_residuals
pca.method = "pca", # option: pca (recommended), glmpca
pca.component.select.method = "cum_var", # options" cum_var, elbow
pca.var.threshold = 0.9,
conserve.memory = F,
# specify species
species.filter.flag = F,
species.include = "Mm",
# miscillaneous parameters
nworkers = 1,
save.pdf = F,
print.inline = F,
developer = F
```{r developer input}
# developer specific input formats
do.dev <- parameter.list$developer
if (do.dev){
parameter.list$which.data = c("pilot16.Mm") # c("16-O", "17-O")
parameter.list$which.strata = "mm_pituitary" # NA
parameter.list$update.log = T
which.data <- parameter.list$which.data # REQUIRED
if ("which.strata" %in% names(parameter.list)){
which.strata <- parameter.list$which.strata # NA if no stratification
} else {
which.strata <- NA
if (!exists("data.path") & !exists("user")) {
stop("data.path and user variables do not exist in global enviroment. Ensure that these are specified in .Rprofile. If specified, try restarting Rstudio.")
# get input data files paths
inputDataSpecification <- function(inputs = "M01_inputs.csv", subsets = "M01_subsets.csv"){
input.data <- read.csv(inputs, stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(input.data) <- rmvCSVprefix(colnames(input.data))
input.data <- apply(input.data, 2, function(x) gsub("Â", "", x))
input.data <- as.data.frame(input.data)
# get subsets
input.subset <- read.csv(subsets, stringsAsFactors = F)
# wrangle into list
u.samples <- unique(input.subset$sample)
input.barcode.strata <- list()
for (i in 1:length(u.samples)){
subset.strata <- input.subset[input.subset$sample %in% u.samples[i], ]
current.strata <- list()
for (j in 1:nrow(subset.strata)){
current.barcodes <- subset.strata$barcodes[j]
current.barcodes <- strsplit(current.barcodes, ", ")[[1]]
current.strata[[subset.strata$set[j]]] <- current.barcodes
input.barcode.strata[[u.samples[i]]] <- current.strata
input.data = input.data,
input.barcode.strata = input.barcode.strata
input.list <- inputDataSpecification()
input.data <- input.list$input.data
input.barcode.strata <- input.list$input.barcode.strata
# specify input
stopifnot(all(which.data %in% as.vector(input.data$sample)))
specified.input <- input.data[as.vector(input.data$sample) %in% which.data, ]
# get input data specifications
input_data <- as.vector(specified.input$files)
input_pcr_barcodes <- as.vector(specified.input$pcr.barcodes)
input_rt_barcodes <- as.vector(specified.input$rt.barcodes)
input_set <- c(input_data, input_pcr_barcodes, input_rt_barcodes)
input.type <- as.vector(specified.input$input.type)
all_input_organisms <- as.vector(specified.input$species)
dir <- as.vector(specified.input$directory)
# ensure correct path is used for data input
if (exists("data.path")){
dir <- paste0(data.path, dir)
# ensure regression variables are correctly specified
if (length(which.data) == 1){
parameter.list$vars2regress <- parameter.list$vars2regress[!(parameter.list$vars2regress %in% "dataset")]
# get stratification details
if (!is.na(which.strata)){
which.strata.specified <- which.strata
which.strata <- c()
for (i in 1:length(which.strata.specified)){
which.strata <- c(which.strata, input.barcode.strata[[which.data[i]]][[which.strata.specified[i]]])
# ensure correct directory is specified
# ensure input data are specified
parameter.list$species.include <- rep(parameter.list$species.include, length(input_data))
}, silent = T)
# if set_names are not specified, set_names <- ""
if (exists("parameter.list$set_names")){
} else {parameter.list$set_names <- ""}
# if pilot input are not specified, pilot_input <- ""
if (exists("pilot_input")){
stopifnot(length(pilot_input) == 1)
} else {pilot_input <- ""}
total_sets <- input_set
} else {
parameter.list$which.data = NA
parameter.list$which.strata = NA
all_input_organisms <- NULL
# input.type <- NA
dir <- ""
which.data <- parameter.list$which.data # REQUIRED
if ("which.strata" %in% names(parameter.list)){
which.strata <- parameter.list$which.strata # NA if no stratification
} else {
which.strata <- NA
```{r specify input pathways}
if (!exists("input.type")){
if ("input.object" %in% names(parameter.list)){
if (!is.na(parameter.list$input.object) && !is.null(parameter.list$input.object)){
input_data <- total_sets <- parameter.list$input.object
input.type <- 0
if ("input.cell_ranger" %in% names(parameter.list)){
if (!is.na(parameter.list$input.cell_ranger) && !is.null(parameter.list$input.cell_ranger)){
input_data <- total_sets <- parameter.list$input.cell_ranger
input.type <- 2
if ("input.matrix" %in% names(parameter.list)){
if (!is.na(parameter.list$input.matrix) && !is.null(parameter.list$input.matrix)){
input_data <- total_sets <- parameter.list$input.matrix
input.type <- 3
```{r c4 - analysis log}
df.log <- initiateLog("Preprocessing & QC")
if (input.type == 1){
df.log <- addLogEntry("Input Data (.Rdata)", input_data, df.log, "input_data")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Input RT Barcode (.txt)", input_rt_barcodes, df.log, "input_rt_barcodes")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Input PCR Barcode (.txt)", input_pcr_barcodes, df.log, "input_pcr_barcodes")
} else if (input.type == 2){
df.log <- addLogEntry("Input Cell Ranger", input_data, df.log, "input_data")
} else if (input.type == 3){
df.log <- addLogEntry("Input Expression Matrix", input_data, df.log, "input_data")
} else if (input.type == 0){
df.log <- addLogEntry("Seurat object", input_data, df.log, "input_data")
df.log <- addLogEntry("gene/cell Upper Limit (N/cell)",
as.character(parameter.list$gene.upperlimit), df.log, "gene.upperlimit")
df.log <- addLogEntry("gene/cell Lower Limit (N/cell)",
as.character(parameter.list$gene.lowerlimit), df.log, "gene.lowerlimit")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Filtered by unmatched reads",
as.character(parameter.list$unmatched.rate.filter.flag), df.log, "unmatched.rate.filter.flag")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Mitochondrial Content Upper Limit (%/cell)",
as.character(parameter.list$mt.upperlimit), df.log, "mt.upperlimit")
if ("subsample_factor" %in% names(parameter.list)){
if (parameter.list$subsample_factor == 1){subsampled <- FALSE} else {subsampled <- TRUE}
} else {
parameter.list$subsample_factor <- 1
subsampled <- FALSE
df.log <- addLogEntry("Data Subsampled", subsampled, df.log, "subsampled")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Cluster Resolution", as.character(parameter.list$cluster.resolution),
df.log, "cluster.resolution")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Filtered by species",
as.character(parameter.list$species.filter.flag), df.log, "species.filter.flag")
if (parameter.list$species.filter.flag) {
df.log <- addLogEntry("Species Included",
as.character(parameter.list$species.include), df.log, "species.include")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Number of Workers", as.character(parameter.list$nworkers), df.log, "normScale")
if (!is.na(which.strata)) {
df.log <- addLogEntry("Barcode(s) Included", which.strata, df.log, "which.strata")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Variables regressed out",
as.character(parameter.list$vars2regress), df.log, "vars2regress")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Input Species", all_input_organisms, df.log, "all_input_organisms")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Feature selection method",
parameter.list$feature.select.method, df.log, "feature.select.method")
df.log <- addLogEntry("PCA component selection method",
parameter.list$pca.component.select.method, df.log, "pca.component.select.method")
```{r c6 - load_data}
# Run import function
so.list <- list()
gNames.list.list <- list()
# sequence indices
idx.seq <- c(1, 1+length(input_data), 1+(2*length(input_data)))
# assertions
stopifnot(length(dir) == length(input_data))
for (i in 1:length(input_data)){
if (input.type[i] == 0){
output.list <- list(so = readRDS(file = input_data[i]),
gnames = NULL)
output.list$so <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = output.list[["so"]]@assays[["RNA"]]@counts,
meta.data = output.list[["so"]]@meta.data)
output.list$so@meta.data$Barcode = "unspecified"
output.list$so@meta.data$Species = "unspecified"
} else {
cur.total_sets <- total_sets[idx.seq + (i-1)]
io <- NULL
io <- stringr::str_trim(unlist(strsplit(all_input_organisms[i], ",")))
}, silent = T)
if (input.type[i] == 1) {
output.list <- loadMoffat(import_set = cur.total_sets,
subsample_factor = parameter.list$subsample_factor,
input_organisms = io ,
organism_include = parameter.list$species.include[i],
dir = dir[i])
} else if (input.type[i] == 2){
output.list <- loadCellRanger(import_set = cur.total_sets,
input_organisms = io,
dir = dir[i])
} else if (input.type[i] == 3){
output.list <- loadMat(file = cur.total_sets,
dir = dir[i])
# unlist outputs
so.list[[i]] <- output.list[[1]]
gNames.list.list[[i]] <- output.list[[2]]
if ((unique(so.list[[i]]@meta.data[["Barcode"]]) == "unspecified") ){
so.list[[i]]@meta.data[["Barcode"]] <- paste("T", i, sep = "")
} else if (is.na(unique(so.list[[i]]@meta.data[["Barcode"]]))){
stop("Barcodes incorrectly specified")
# assign set labels and merge seurat objects if multiple present
for (i in 1:length(so.list)){
if (length(which.data) == length(which.strata)){
set.label <- paste0(which.data[i],"_", which.strata[i])
} else {
set.label <- which.data[i]
so.list[[i]][["dataset"]] <- set.label
so <- mergeSeuratList(so.list)
# consolidate gene lists
df.gname <- unique(bind_rows(lapply(gNames.list.list, function(x) data.frame(ensembl = names(x), gene = as.character(x)))))
gNames.list <- df.gname$gene
names(gNames.list) <- df.gname$ensembl
so@misc[["g2e"]] <- gNames.list
}, silent = T)
```{r c8 - filter_data_by_subset, include = FALSE}
# define subset parameters
if ("species.include" %in% names(parameter.list)){
if (sum(c("Mm", "Hs") %in% parameter.list$species.include) > 0){
subset.df <- data.frame(field = "Species", subgroups = parameter.list$species.include)
# subset data
if (sum(parameter.list$species.include %in% so@meta.data$Species) > 0){
so <- subsetSeurat(so, subset.df)
if ("subsample.n" %in% names(parameter.list)){
so <- downsampleSeurat(object = so, subsample.n = parameter.list$subsample.n)
```{r c9 - subset barcodes, include = FALSE}
if (!is.na(which.strata)) so <- barcodeLabels(so, which.strata)
```{r c10 - get_mt_content, include = FALSE}
so <- getMitoContent(so, gNames = so@misc[["g2e"]])
```{r c11 - barcode rankings, fig.width= 15, fig.height=5, include = FALSE}
# get metadata
df.meta.qc <- so@meta.data
# rank QC metrics
df.meta.qc$rank.umi <- rank(-df.meta.qc$nCount_RNA)
df.meta.qc$rank.gene <- rank(-df.meta.qc$nFeature_RNA)
df.meta.qc$rank.mt <- rank(-df.meta.qc$percent.mt)
df.meta.qc$mitoOmit <- df.meta.qc$percent.mt > parameter.list$mt.upperlimit
df.meta.qc$mitoColor <- "black"
df.meta.qc$mitoColor[df.meta.qc$mitoOmit] <- "tomato"
line.col <- '#2C3E50'
plt.gene.umi.mito <- df.meta.qc %>%
dplyr::arrange(mitoOmit) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = nCount_RNA, y = (nFeature_RNA))) +
geom_point(aes(color = mitoOmit)) +
scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') +
scale_x_continuous(trans='log10') +
geom_hline(yintercept = parameter.list$gene.upperlimit , color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_hline(yintercept = parameter.list$gene.lowerlimit, color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
xlab("Transcript counts (n/cell)") + ylab("Gene counts (n/cell)") +
theme_classic() + labs(title = "Transcript vs Gene Counts", caption = "dashed line: gene count thresholds\norange points: high mt content.") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", center.title = T)
# generate ranking plots
plt.umi.rank.mito <- df.meta.qc %>%
dplyr::arrange(mitoOmit) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = rank.umi, y = (nCount_RNA))) +
geom_point(aes(color = mitoOmit)) +
scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') +
xlab("Cell Rank") + ylab("Transcript counts (n/cell)") +
theme_classic() + labs(title = "Transcript count ranking", caption = "orange points: high mt content.") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", center.title = T)
plt.gene.rank.mito <- df.meta.qc %>%
dplyr::arrange(mitoOmit) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = rank.gene, y = (nFeature_RNA))) +
geom_point(aes(color = mitoOmit)) + scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') +
geom_hline(yintercept = parameter.list$gene.upperlimit , color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_hline(yintercept = parameter.list$gene.lowerlimit, color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
xlab("Cell Rank") + ylab("Gene counts (n/cell)") +
theme_classic() + labs(title = "Gene count ranking", caption = "dashed line: gene count thresholds\norange points: high mt content.") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", center.title = T)
plt.mt.rank.mito <- df.meta.qc %>%
dplyr::arrange(mitoOmit) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = rank.mt, y = (percent.mt))) +
geom_point(aes(color = mitoOmit)) + scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') +
geom_hline(yintercept = parameter.list$mt.upperlimit, color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
xlab("Cell Rank") + ylab("Mitochondrial Content (%/cell)") +
theme_classic() + labs(title = "Mitochondrial content ranking", caption = "orange: high mt content.") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", center.title = T)
if (input.type == 1){
unmatch.median <- median(df.meta.qc$unmatched.rate)
unmatch.mad <- mad(df.meta.qc$unmatched.rate, unmatch.median)
if (parameter.list$unmatched.rate.filter.flag){
unmatch.high <- unmatch.median + (1.96*unmatch.mad)
unmatch.low <- unmatch.median - (1.96*unmatch.mad)
} else {
unmatch.high <- 1
unmatch.low <- 0
df.meta.qc$matchOmit <- (df.meta.qc$unmatched.rate > unmatch.high) | (df.meta.qc$unmatched.rate < unmatch.low)
# df.meta.qc$matchColor <- "black"
# df.meta.qc$matchColor[df.meta.qc$matchOmit] <- "skyblue"
plt.unmatch.umi <- df.meta.qc %>%
dplyr::arrange(matchOmit) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = nCount_RNA, y = (unmatched.rate))) +
geom_point(aes(color = matchOmit)) +
xlab("Transcript Count") + ylab("Unmatched Rate") +
geom_hline(yintercept = unmatch.high, color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_hline(yintercept = unmatch.low, color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
theme_classic() + labs(title = "Transcript count vs. unmatched rate", caption = "orange: unmatched rate outliers") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", center.title = T)
df.meta.qc$unmatch.rank <- rank(-df.meta.qc$unmatched.rate)
plt.umatch.rank <- df.meta.qc %>%
dplyr::arrange(matchOmit) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = unmatch.rank, y = (unmatched.rate))) +
geom_point(aes(color = matchOmit)) +
scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') +
geom_hline(yintercept = unmatch.high, color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_hline(yintercept = unmatch.low, color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
xlab("Cell Rank") + ylab("Unmatched Rate") +
theme_classic() + labs(title = "Unmatched rate ranking", caption = "orange: unmatched rate outliers") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", center.title = T)
plt.gene.umi.match <- df.meta.qc %>%
dplyr::arrange(matchOmit) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = nCount_RNA, y = (nFeature_RNA))) +
geom_point(aes(color = matchOmit)) +
scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') +
scale_x_continuous(trans='log10') +
geom_hline(yintercept = parameter.list$gene.upperlimit , color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_hline(yintercept = parameter.list$gene.lowerlimit, color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
xlab("Transcript counts (n/cell)") + ylab("Gene counts (n/cell)") +
theme_classic() + labs(title = "Transcript vs Gene Counts", caption ="orange: unmatched rate outliers") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", center.title = T)
# generate ranking plots
plt.umi.rank.match <- df.meta.qc %>%
dplyr::arrange(matchOmit) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = rank.umi, y = (nCount_RNA))) +
geom_point(aes(color = matchOmit)) +
scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') +
xlab("Cell Rank") + ylab("Transcript counts (n/cell)") +
theme_classic() + labs(title = "Transcript count ranking", caption = "orange: unmatched rate outliers") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", center.title = T)
plt.gene.rank.match <- df.meta.qc %>%
dplyr::arrange(matchOmit) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = rank.gene, y = (nFeature_RNA))) +
geom_point(aes(color = matchOmit)) + scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') +
geom_hline(yintercept = parameter.list$gene.upperlimit , color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_hline(yintercept = parameter.list$gene.lowerlimit, color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
xlab("Cell Rank") + ylab("Gene counts (n/cell)") +
theme_classic() + labs(title = "Gene count ranking", caption = "orange: unmatched rate outliers") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", center.title = T)
plt.mt.rank.match <- df.meta.qc %>%
dplyr::arrange(matchOmit) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = rank.mt, y = (percent.mt))) +
geom_point(aes(color = matchOmit)) + scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') +
geom_hline(yintercept = parameter.list$mt.upperlimit, color = line.col, linetype = "dashed") +
xlab("Cell Rank") + ylab("Mitochondrial Content (%/cell)") +
theme_classic() + labs(title = "Mitochondrial content ranking", caption = "orange: unmatched rate outliers") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", center.title = T)
} else {
plt.umatch.rank <- NULL
plt.unmatch.umi <- NULL
unmatch.high <- 1
unmatch.low <- 0
if (parameter.list$print.inline) {
cowplot::plot_grid(plt.gene.umi.mito, plt.umi.rank.mito, plt.gene.rank.mito, plt.mt.rank.mito, ncol = 4, align = "h")
if (input.type == 1){
ggpubr::ggarrange(plt.umi.rank.match, plt.gene.rank.match, plt.mt.rank.match,
plt.unmatch.umi, plt.gene.umi.match, plt.umatch.rank,ncol = 3, nrow = 2)
```{r c12 - Density plot of % mitochondrial genes, warning = FALSE, include = FALSE}
calc_mito_content_by_bc <- function(so, set_name, bc_info_flag, input.type = 1){
if (bc_info_flag == TRUE & input.type != 2){
# Compute mitochrondrial content for each cell type
# get unique cell types
barcodes <-unique(so@meta.data[["Barcode"]])
# create dataframe to store mitochondrial content, stratified by cell type
df_by_bc <- NULL
# for each cell type
for (i in 1:length(barcodes)) {
percent.mt_by_bc <- as.vector(so$percent.mt[so$Barcode == barcodes[i]])
count.feature_by_bc <- as.vector(so$nFeature_RNA[so$Barcode == barcodes[i]])
count.rna_by_bc <- as.vector(so$nCount_RNA[so$Barcode == barcodes[i]])
n_cells <- length(percent.mt_by_bc)
cur_length <- dim(df_by_bc)[1]
# get QC parameters for each cell sample
df_by_bc <- bind_rows(
data.frame(barcode = barcodes[i],
percent.mt = percent.mt_by_bc,
count.feature = count.feature_by_bc,
count.rna = count.rna_by_bc)
} else { # if no cell type information provided, pool everything together
df_by_bc <- data.frame()
percent.mt_by_bc <- as.vector(so$percent.mt)
count.feature_by_bc <- as.vector(so$nFeature_RNA)
count.rna_by_bc <- as.vector(so$nCount_RNA)
df_by_bc <- data.frame(percent.mt_by_bc, count.feature_by_bc, count.rna_by_bc)
colnames(df_by_bc) <- c("percent.mt", "count.feature", "count.rna")
df_by_bc["barcode"] <-"unspecified"
barcodes <- "unspecified"
so@meta.data[["Barcode"]] <- "unspecified"
# Create summary graphs
# plot density plot
plt.handle <- ggplot(df_by_bc, aes(percent.mt, color=barcode)) +
geom_density(size = 1) +
ggtitle(paste(set_name)) +
xlab("Mitochrondrial Content (%)")
output <- list(so, plt.handle)
# calculate mitochondrial content, stratified by barcode (if available)
output_by_bc <- calc_mito_content_by_bc(so, parameter.list$set_names, (length(total_sets)>1), input.type)
# retrive results
so <- output_by_bc[[1]]
plt.mito_by_bc <- output_by_bc[[2]]
# show mito filter threhsold
if ("mt.upperlimit" %in% names(parameter.list)){
if (parameter.list$mt.upperlimit >=0 & parameter.list$mt.upperlimit <= 100){
plt.mito_by_bc <- plt.mito_by_bc + geom_vline(xintercept = parameter.list$mt.upperlimit, linetype = "dashed")
if (ulength(so$Barcode) == 1){
plt.mito_by_bc <- plt.mito_by_bc + theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly2")
if (parameter.list$print.inline){
```{r c13 - qc_violin_plots, fig.height= 5, fig.width = 12, include = FALSE}
if (length(unique(so@meta.data[["subset_group"]]))> 1){
df.qc <- data.frame(so@meta.data[["subset_group"]],
colnames(df.qc) <- c("group", "nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA", "percent.mt")
df.qc_sum <- df.qc %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarize(nFeature_mean = round(mean(nFeature_RNA),2),
nCount_mean = round(mean(nCount_RNA),2),
percent.mt_mean = round(mean(percent.mt),2),
nFeature_median = round(median(nFeature_RNA),2),
nCount_median = round(median(nCount_RNA),2),
percent.mt_median = round(median(percent.mt),2))
nFeat_aov <- summary(aov(nFeature_RNA ~ group, data = df.qc))
nCount_aov <- summary(aov(nCount_RNA ~ group, data = df.qc))
mT_aov <- summary(aov(percent.mt ~ group, data = df.qc))
} else {
df.qc <- data.frame()
df.qc_sum <- data.frame()
nFeat_aov <- c()
nCount_aov <- c()
mT_aov <- c()
plt.QC_violin <- tryCatch({
violin.list <- QC.violinPlot(so, plt.log.flag = T, cols = alpha('#2C3E50', alpha = 0.5))
}, error = function(e){
violin.list <- QC.violinPlot(so, plt.log.flag = T)
if (parameter.list$print.inline){
```{r c14 - QC scatterplots, fig.height= 5, fig.width = 12, include = FALSE}
# Generate QC scatterplots
max.cells <- 40000
if (ncol(so) > max.cells) {
plt.QC_scatter <- QC.scatterPlot(downsampleSeurat(so, subsample.n = max.cells))
} else {
plt.QC_scatter <- QC.scatterPlot(so)
if (parameter.list$print.inline) {
```{r c15 - filter_QC, fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5, include = FALSE}
if (length(parameter.list$set_names) == 2) {
set.n <- NULL
} else {
set.n <- parameter.list$set_names
filter_output_list <- filterSeurat(so = so,
RNA.upperlimit = parameter.list$gene.upperlimit,
RNA.lowerlimit = parameter.list$gene.lowerlimit,
mt.upperlimit = parameter.list$mt.upperlimit,
unmatch.low = unmatch.low,
unmatch.high = unmatch.high,
set_names = set.n)
so <- filter_output_list[["seurat"]]
plt.filter_pre_post <- filter_output_list[["plot"]]
plt.filter_pre_post <- plt.filter_pre_post + theme_miko(fill.palette = "flatly2", legend = T)
filter.breakdown.list <- filter_output_list[["filter.breakdown"]]
# colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c('#18BC9C','#2C3E50','#F39C12'))
plt.filter.venn <- NULL
plt.filter.venn <- ggVennDiagram::ggVennDiagram(filter.breakdown.list) +
scale_color_manual(values = rep("white", length(filter.breakdown.list))) +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "#F4FAFE", high = '#2C3E50')
}, silent = T)
if (parameter.list$print.inline){
```{r c16 - normalize_data, warning = FALSE, include = FALSE}
# Run data normalization
normalization_method_ps <- "SCT" # "NFS" or "SCT"
if ("conserve.memory" %in% names(parameter.list) ){
if (is.logical(parameter.list$conserve.memory)){
conserve.memory <- parameter.list$conserve.memory
} else {
conserve.memory <- F
} else {
conserve.memory <- F
enable.parallelization <- F
if (parameter.list$nworkers == 1) enable.parallelization <- F
parameter.list$clip.range <- c(-sqrt(x = ncol(x = so[["RNA"]])/30),
sqrt(x = ncol(x = so[["RNA"]])/30))
max.memory <- 200 # numeric, in terms of Gb
# ensure regression variables have non-zero variance
cov <- parameter.list$vars2regress
df.meta <- so@meta.data
cov <- cov[cov %in% colnames(df.meta)]
cov.regress <- c()
if (length(cov) > 0){
for (i in 1:length(cov)){
x <- unlist(df.meta[ , cov[i]])
if (is.numeric(x)){
if (var(x) > 0){
cov.regress <- c(cov.regress, cov[i])
} else {
cov.regress <- c(cov.regress, cov[i])
parameter.list$vars2regress <- cov.regress
so <- tryCatch({
scNormScale(object = so,
method = normalization_method_ps,
vars2regress = parameter.list$vars2regress,
n.workers = parameter.list$nworkers,
max.memory = (max.memory*20480/20 * 1024^2),
enable.parallelization = enable.parallelization,
conserve.memory = conserve.memory,
clip.range = parameter.list$clip.range)
}, error = function(e){
if (!conserve.memory){
conserve.memory <- T
is.success <- F
so <- scNormScale(object = so,
method = normalization_method_ps,
vars2regress = parameter.list$vars2regress,
n.workers = parameter.list$nworkers,
max.memory = (max.memory*20480/20 * 1024^2),
enable.parallelization = enable.parallelization,
conserve.memory = conserve.memory,
clip.range = parameter.list$clip.range)
is.success <- T
if (!is.success){
normalization_method_ps <- "NFS" # "NFS"
so <- scNormScale(object = so,
method = normalization_method_ps,
vars2regress = parameter.list$vars2regress,
n.workers = parameter.list$nworkers,
max.memory = (max.memory*20480/20 * 1024^2),
enable.parallelization = enable.parallelization,
conserve.memory = conserve.memory,
clip.range = parameter.list$clip.range)
} else {
if (is.null(so)) stop("Failed to normalized data. Troubleshooting required.")
nassay <- DefaultAssay(so)
if (nassay == "RNA"){
normalization_method_ps = "NFS"
parameter.list$scale.method <- "nfs"
} else if (nassay == "SCT"){
normalization_method_ps = "SCT"
parameter.list$scale.method <- "sct"
# plot variable genes
var.gene.orig <- so@assays[[nassay]]@var.features
plt.variable_genes <- variableGenes.Plot(so, gNames.list, parameter.list$set_names,
cols = c('#2C3E50', '#F39C12'))
plt.variable_genes <- plt.variable_genes +
labs(title = "Variably-Expressed Genes") +
theme_miko(legend = T) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
if (parameter.list$print.inline) {
```{r c17 - per cell statistics, include = FALSE}
# ptm <- proc.time()
df_nCount <- data.frame(so@meta.data[["nCount_RNA"]], so@meta.data[[paste0("nCount_", nassay)]])
colnames(df_nCount) <- c("UMI/cell (raw)", "UMI/cell (normalized)")
df_nCount_m <- melt(df_nCount)
df_nFeat <- data.frame(so@meta.data[["nFeature_RNA"]], so@meta.data[[paste0("nFeature_", nassay)]])
colnames(df_nFeat) <- c("genes/cell (raw)","genes/cell (normalized)")
df_nFeat_m <- melt(df_nFeat)
plt.UMI_per_cell <- ggplot(df_nCount_m, aes(x = value, fill = variable)) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.3) + scale_x_log10()+ xlab("UMI/cell") +
theme_miko(fill.palette = "flatly", legend= T)
plt.genes_per_cell <- ggplot(df_nFeat_m, aes(x = value, fill = variable)) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.3) + scale_x_log10()+ xlab("genes/cell") +
theme_miko(fill.palette = "flatly", legend= T)
plt.pre_post_norm <- tryCatch({
plt.pre_post_1 <- FeatureScatter(so, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = paste0("nCount_", nassay)) +
xlab("UMI/cell (raw)") + ylab("UMI/cell (normalized)") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly2", legend= T)
plt.pre_post_2 <- FeatureScatter(so, feature1 = "nFeature_RNA", feature2 = paste0("nFeature_", nassay)) +
xlab("Genes/cell (raw)") + ylab("Genes/cell (normalized)") +
theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly2", legend= T)
CombinePlots(plots = list(plt.pre_post_1, plt.pre_post_2), ncol = 2, legend = 'none')
}, error = function(e){
plt.pre_post_1 <- FeatureScatter(so, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = paste0("nCount_", nassay)) +
xlab("UMI/cell (raw)") + ylab("UMI/cell (normalized)") +
theme_miko(legend= T)
plt.pre_post_2 <- FeatureScatter(so, feature1 = "nFeature_RNA", feature2 = paste0("nFeature_", nassay)) +
xlab("Genes/cell (raw)") + ylab("Genes/cell (normalized)") +
theme_miko(legend= T)
return(CombinePlots(plots = list(plt.pre_post_1, plt.pre_post_2), ncol = 2, legend = 'none'))
}, silent = T)
if (parameter.list$print.inline){
```{r deviance feature selection, include = FALSE}
# feature selection using deviance #############################################
# get deviant features using subset of data ####################################
if (parameter.list$feature.select.method == "deviance"){
miko_message("Performing feature selection using deviance scores...")
DefaultAssay(so) <- nassay
so.sub <- downsampleSeurat(object = so, subsample.n = 20000)
m <- GetAssayData(so.sub, slot = "data", assay = nassay)
m <- m[rownames(m) %in% rownames(so.sub), ]
m <- as.matrix(m)
batch.factor <- as.factor(so.sub@meta.data$Barcode)
devs <- scry::devianceFeatureSelection(object = m, batch = batch.factor, fam = "binomial")
df.dev <- data.frame(
gene = rownames(m),
d = devs,
is.var = rownames(m) %in% var.gene.orig
) %>% dplyr::arrange(-d)
df.dev$d.norm <- df.dev$d/sum(df.dev$d)
df.dev$d.cumsum <- cumsum(df.dev$d.norm )
dev.gene <- df.dev$gene[df.dev$d.cumsum < 0.8]
if (length(dev.gene) > 2000){
dev.gene <- df.dev$gene[1:2000]
dev.gene <- dev.gene[!grepl("MT", toupper(gNames.list[dev.gene]))]
so@assays[[nassay]]@var.features <- dev.gene
} else if (parameter.list$feature.select.method == "hvg"){
if (!is.null(gNames.list)){
dev.gene <- var.gene.orig[!grepl("MT", toupper(gNames.list[var.gene.orig]))]
} else {
dev.gene <- var.gene.orig[!grepl("MT", toupper(var.gene.orig))]
so@assays[[nassay]]@var.features <- dev.gene
```{r null model residuals, include = FALSE}
if (parameter.list$scale.method == "null_residuals"){
m <- GetAssayData(so, slot = "data", assay = nassay)
m <- m[rownames(m) %in% dev.gene, ]
so[["DEV"]] <- CreateAssayObject(counts = m)
m <- as.matrix(m)
batch.factor <- as.factor(so@meta.data$Barcode)
# system.time({
m.deviance <- scry::nullResiduals(
object = m,
fam = c("binomial"),
type = c("deviance"),
batch = batch.factor
# })
m.deviance[is.na(m.deviance)] <- 0
rownames(m.deviance) <- rownames(m);
colnames(m.deviance) <- colnames(m)
m.deviance[m.deviance < parameter.list$clip.range[1]] <- parameter.list$clip.range[1]
m.deviance[m.deviance > parameter.list$clip.range[2]] <- parameter.list$clip.range[2]
# parameter.list$clip.range
so@assays[["DEV"]]@scale.data <- m.deviance
so@assays[["DEV"]]@var.features <- dev.gene
DefaultAssay(so) <- "DEV"
invisible({gc() })
```{r identify artifact genes, include = FALSE}
u.bc <- unique(so@meta.data$Barcode)
if (length(u.bc) > 2){
# var.gene <- var.gene.orig
var.gene <- so@assays[[DefaultAssay(so)]]@var.features
miko_message("Identifying artifact genes...")
ag.res <- findArtifactGenes(object = so, assay = "RNA", features = var.gene,
meta.feature = "Barcode", umi.count.threshold = 5, difference.threshold = 30, verbose = T)
plt.ag <- ag.res[["plot"]]
gene.rep <- checkGeneRep(reference.genes = gNames.list, query.genes = plt.ag[["data"]][["gene"]])
if (gene.rep == "ensembl"){
plt.ag[["data"]][["gene"]] <- as.character(gNames.list[plt.ag[["data"]][["gene"]]])
plt.ag[["layers"]][[2]][["data"]][["gene"]] <- as.character(gNames.list[plt.ag[["layers"]][[2]][["data"]][["gene"]]])
}, silent = T)
if (parameter.list$correct.artifact){
miko_message(paste0(length(ag.res$artifact.gene), " artifact genes omitted from PCA..."))
var.gene.update <- var.gene[!c(var.gene %in% ag.res$artifact.gene)]
artifact.gene <- ag.res$artifact.gene
var.gene.update <- var.gene.update[!grepl("MT", toupper(gNames.list[var.gene.update]))]
so@assays[[DefaultAssay(so)]]@var.features <- var.gene.update
if (!is.null(plt.ag)){
plt.ag <- plt.ag + theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly3", legend = T)
if (parameter.list$print.inline) {
} else {
var.gene <- so@assays[[DefaultAssay(so)]]@var.features
var.gene.update <- var.gene[!grepl("MT", toupper(gNames.list[var.gene]))]
so@assays[[DefaultAssay(so)]]@var.features <- var.gene.update
plt.ag <- NULL
if (parameter.list$scale.method == "sct" & (nassay == "SCT")){
so <- GetResidual(so, features = so@assays[[DefaultAssay(so)]]@var.features, verbose = F)
}, silent = T)
```{r c18 - preliminary umap}
n.dim.all <- 50
if (length(so@assays[[DefaultAssay(so)]]@var.features) == 0){
so <- FindVariableFeatures(so)
# Run pca
if (parameter.list$pca.method == "pca"){
miko_message("Running PCA...")
so <- RunPCA(so, verbose = FALSE, features = so@assays[[DefaultAssay(so)]]@var.features,
npcs = n.dim.all)
} else if (parameter.list$pca.method == "glmpca"){
miko_message("Running GLM-PCA...")
so <- SeuratWrappers::RunGLMPCA(
object = so,
L = n.dim.all,
assay = NULL,
features = so@assays[[DefaultAssay(so)]]@var.features,
reduction.name = "pca",
reduction.key = "PC_",
verbose = F,
minibatch = "stochastic")
# specify number of PCA components to use for downstream analysis
pca.var.threshold <- parameter.list$pca.var.threshold
pca.prop <- propVarPCA(so)
pca.elbow.low <- 0.015
if (parameter.list$pca.component.select.method == "elbow"){
nDim <- pcaElbow(pca.prop$pc.prop_var, low = pca.elbow.low, max.pc = 0.9)
} else if (parameter.list$pca.component.select.method == "cum_var"){
nDim <- max(pca.prop$pc.id[pca.prop$pc.cum_sumpc.elbow_min_difference_ps) +1
pc.nPC_method_2 <- sum(pc.cum_sum%
dplyr::group_by(cluster_membership, barcode_labels) %>%
tally() %>%
dplyr::mutate(freq = n / sum(n))
u_barcodes <- unique(df.all_barcodes$barcode_labels)
if (length(u_barcodes) > 1) {
# convert long to wide (cell type table)
df_for_wide_barcodes <- df.all_barcodes
colnames(df_for_wide_barcodes)[colnames(df_for_wide_barcodes) == "barcode_labels"] <- "predicted_labels"
df.all_barcodes_wide <- long2wide(df_for_wide_barcodes)
# plot cluster compositio by barcode
df.cluster_annotations_barcodes <- df.all_barcodes
colnames(df.cluster_annotations_barcodes)[colnames(df.cluster_annotations_barcodes) == "barcode_labels"] <- "predicted_labels"
plt.cluster_composition_barcodes <- plot.cluster_composition_alt(df.cluster_annotations_barcodes,
other_threshold = 0)
plt.cluster_composition_barcodes <- plt.cluster_composition_barcodes +
theme_miko(legend = T) +
ggthemes::scale_fill_ptol("Barcode") +
labs(title = "Cluster Composition", subtitle = "Stratified by Barcodes")
} else {
df_for_wide_barcodes <- data.frame()
df.all_barcodes_wide <- data.frame()
df.cluster_annotations_barcodes <- data.frame()
plt.cluster_composition_barcodes <- c()
if (parameter.list$print.inline) {
```{r c20 - cell cycle scoring, fig.width=14, fig.height = 4}
# get cell cycle genes
s.genes <- cc.genes$s.genes
g2m.genes <- cc.genes$g2m.genes
if (length(unique(parameter.list$species.include)) > 1){
s.genes <- toupper(s.genes)
g2m.genes <- toupper(g2m.genes)
} else if (unique(parameter.list$species.include) == "Mm"){
s.genes <- firstup(s.genes)
g2m.genes <- firstup(g2m.genes)
} else if (unique(parameter.list$species.include) == "Hs"){
s.genes <- toupper(s.genes)
g2m.genes <- toupper(g2m.genes)
so <- ens2sym.so(so, gNames.list)
# cell cycle scoring and umap
plt.cc.umap <- tryCatch({
so <- CellCycleScoring(object = so, s.features = s.genes, g2m.features = g2m.genes, set.ident = F, nbin = optimalBinSize(so))
plt.cc.umap <- cluster.UMAP(
# pt.size = scMiko::autoPointSize(nrow(so), scale.factor = 10000),
group.by = "Phase",
x.label = "UMAP 1",
y.label = "UMAP 2",
plot.name = "Cell Cycle Classifications",
include.labels = F)
}, error = function(e){
plt.cc.umap <- NULL
# cluster-level composition
plt.cc <- NULL
if ("Phase" %in% names(so@meta.data)){
df.cc <- data.frame(clusters = so@meta.data[["seurat_clusters"]], phase = so@meta.data[["Phase"]])
df.cc.tally <- df.cc %>%
group_by(clusters, phase) %>%
plt.cc.compo <- df.cc.tally %>%
ggplot(aes(x = clusters, y = n, fill = phase)) +
geom_bar(position="fill", stat="identity") +
theme_miko(legend = T) +
labs(title = "Cluster Composition by Cell Cycle") +
xlab("Cluster ID") + ylab("Relative Frequency")
plt.cc <- cowplot::plot_grid(plt.cc.umap + ggthemes::scale_colour_tableau(),
plt.cc.compo + ggthemes::scale_fill_tableau(), nrow = 1, labels = c("F", "G"))
# plt.cc <- cowplot::plot_grid(plt.cc.umap + theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly2", legend = T),
# plt.cc.compo + theme_miko(fill.palette = "flatly2", legend = T), nrow = 1, labels = c("F", "G"))
if (parameter.list$print.inline) {
```{r c21 - variable gene list}
if (normalization_method_ps == "SCT"){
df.var.meta <- so@assays[["SCT"]]@meta.features
df.var.model <- so@assays[["SCT"]]@SCTModel.list[["model1"]]@feature.attributes
var.gene <- so@assays[["SCT"]]@var.features
if (is.null(df.var.meta$ENSEMBLE) & is.null(df.var.meta$SYMBOL)){
df.var.model$GENE <- rownames(df.var.meta)
df.var.meta <- df.var.model %>% dplyr::filter(GENE %in% var.gene)
} else {
df.var.model$ENSEMBLE <- df.var.meta$ENSEMBLE
df.var.model$SYMBOL <- df.var.meta$SYMBOL
df.var.meta <- df.var.model %>% dplyr::filter(SYMBOL %in% var.gene)
so@assays[["SCT"]]@SCTModel.list[["model1"]]@feature.attributes <- df.var.model
df.var.meta <- df.var.meta %>% dplyr::arrange(-residual_variance)
which.round <- colnames(df.var.meta)[ !(colnames(df.var.meta) %in% c("ENSEMBLE", "SYMBOL", "genes_log_gmean_step1", "step1_theta", "step1_(intercept)", "step1_log_umi"))]
try({df.var.meta[which.round] <- signif(df.var.meta[which.round], 3)}, silent = T)
} else {
df.var.meta <- NULL
df.var.meta <- so@assays[[nassay]]@meta.features
df.var.meta <- df.var.meta %>% dplyr::filter(SYMBOL %in% so@assays[[nassay]]@var.features)
```{r c23 - summary statistics, warning = FALSE}
meta.data <- names(so@meta.data)
# get subgroup names
quantifier.stem <- c("Count", "Feature", "percent.mt")
which.quant <- grepl(paste(quantifier.stem, collapse = "|"), meta.data)
quant.names <- meta.data[which.quant]
meta.names <- meta.data[!which.quant]
df.meta <- so@meta.data
quant.names2 <- colnames(df.meta)[unlist(lapply(df.meta, is.numeric))]
if (length(quant.names2) > 0){
meta.names <- meta.names[!(meta.names %in% quant.names2)]
summary.list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(meta.names)){
current.meta.name <- meta.names[i]
if (current.meta.name %in% c("unmatched.rate", "S.Score", "G2M.Score")) next
df.meta.summary <- NULL
df.meta.summary <- df.meta %>%
group_by(get(meta.names[i])) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n.nuclei =n(),
UMI.mean = round(mean(nCount_RNA)),
UMI.median = round(median(nCount_RNA)),
UMI.min = min(nCount_RNA),
UMI.max = max(nCount_RNA),
genes.mean = round(mean(nFeature_RNA)),
genes.median = round(median(nFeature_RNA)),
genes.min = min(nFeature_RNA),
genes.max = max(nFeature_RNA),
mito.mean = signif(mean(percent.mt),3) ,
mito.median = signif(median(percent.mt),3) ,
mito.min = signif(min(percent.mt),3) ,
mito.max = signif(max(percent.mt),3))
if (nrow(df.meta.summary) > ncol(so)/2) next
colnames(df.meta.summary)[1] <- meta.names[i]
if (dim(df.meta.summary)[1] == 1){
df.meta.summary <- data.frame(t(df.meta.summary)[2:dim(df.meta.summary)[2], ])
colnames(df.meta.summary)[1] <- meta.names[i]
} else {
df.meta.summary <- as.data.frame(t(df.meta.summary))
new.col.name <- as.matrix(df.meta.summary[1,])
df.meta.summary <- as.data.frame(df.meta.summary[2:nrow(df.meta.summary),])
colnames(df.meta.summary) <- new.col.name
summary.list[[meta.names[i]]] <- df.meta.summary
}, silent = T)
```{r central log}
# update central log
run.id <- NULL
if (do.dev){
if (!exists("user")) user <- "guest"
clog.update.success <- F
if (parameter.list$update.log){
run.id <- updateCentralLog(Module = "M01", input.data = which.data,
input.subset = which.strata, pdf.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
clog.update.success <- T
}, silent = F)
if (is.null(run.id)) {
warning("Central log update was unsuccessful :(\n")
run.id <- paste("M01_", user, "_", gsub(":| ", "", paste0(format(Sys.time(), '%d_%m_%X'))), sep = "", collapse = "")
} else {
run.id <- paste("output_", gsub(":| ", "", paste0(format(Sys.time(), '%X'))), sep = "", collapse = "")
# %d_%m_
```{r analysis log}
# Normalization Method #
if (normalization_method_ps == "NFS"){
norm_method <- "normalize, find features, scale"
} else if (normalization_method_ps == "SCT"){
norm_method <- "SCT"
df.log <- addLogEntry("Normalization Method", norm_method, df.log, "norm_method")
df.log <- addLogEntry("PCA Method", parameter.list$pca.method, df.log, "pca.method")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Principal Components Included", nDim, df.log, "nDim")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Unmatched rate upper limit", unmatch.high, df.log, "unmatch.high")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Unmatched rate lower limit", unmatch.low, df.log, "unmatch.low")
df.log <- addLogEntry("nPCA components used", nDim, df.log, "nDim")
end.time <- proc.time()
elapsed.time <- round((end.time - start.time)[[3]], 2)
df.log <- addLogEntry("Run Time (s)", elapsed.time, df.log, "elapsed.time")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Run Identifier", run.id, df.log, "run.id")
if (do.dev){
df.log <- addLogEntry("User", user, df.log, "user")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Central Log Updated", clog.update.success, df.log, "clog.update.success")
```{r output path and save results}
# output path
if (!exists("data.path")) data.path = ""
output.path <- paste0(data.path, "Module_Outputs/", paste0(run.id,"_",format(Sys.time(), '%d%m%y'), "/"))
# create output directories
if (parameter.list$save.pdf) {
dir.create(paste0(output.path, "Tables/"))
dir.create(paste0(output.path, "PDF/"))
parameter.list$output.object.file <- paste0(run.id, "_", parameter.list$output.object.file)
df.log <- addLogEntry("Scaling method", parameter.list$scale.method, df.log, "scale.method")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Output Saved", as.character(parameter.list$save.flag), df.log, "save.flag")
# save results to Preprocessed_Datasets/
output.object.file <- paste0(data.path, parameter.list$output.object.directory , parameter.list$output.object.file)
df.log_Module_1 <- df.log
if ((parameter.list$save.flag == TRUE) ){
df.log <- addLogEntry("Output Results (.Rdata)", as.character(parameter.list$output.object.file), df.log, "output.object.file")
df.log <- addLogEntry("Output Directory", as.character(parameter.list$output.object.directory), df.log, "output.object.directory")
save(so, gNames.list, df.log_Module_1, file = output.object.file)
QC Overview
Sidebar {.sidebar }
**Description**: scRNAseq preprocessing and quality check\
**Figure Legends**:\
**A|** Distribution of gene counts, transcript counts, and mitochondrial percentage per cell.\
**B|** Relationship between QC measures. *Color* scale represents cell density.\
**C|** Distribution of mitochondial percentage per cell, stratified by samples (Barcodes).\
**D|** Number of cells pre- and post- filtering step. Percentage of omitted cells are indicated.\
**E|** Relationship between pre and post-normalized transcript and gene counts.\
**F|** Distribution of pre and post-normalized transcript counts.\
**G|** Distribution of pre and post-normalized gene counts.\
**H|** Variable gene plot.\
*For A-C*, all cells are shown (i.e., pre-filtering step)\
*For E-H*, subset of filtered cells are shown (i.e., post-filtering step)\
**nFeature**: Number of genes.\
**nCount**: Number of transcripts.\
**percent.mt**: Percentage of mitochondrial transcripts.\
**Barcode**: Sample identifier.\
### A| QC distributions
```{r plt.QC_violin, fig.height= 5, fig.width = 10}
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_QC_violin.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.QC_violin, fig.width = 10, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### B| Pairwise QC relationships
```{r plt.QC_scatter, fig.height= 5, fig.width = 12}
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_QC_scatter.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.QC_scatter, fig.width = 12, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### C| Mitochondrial content distribution
```{r mt.mito_by_bc}
print(plt.mito_by_bc + theme_miko(legend = T))
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_mito_by_bc.pdf"),
plot.handle = plt.mito_by_bc + theme_miko(legend = T), fig.width = 8, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### D| Cells Recovered: Pre- and Post-Filtering
```{r plt.filter_pre_post}
print(plt.filter_pre_post + theme_miko(legend = T))
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_filter_pre_post.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.filter_pre_post + theme_miko(legend = T),
fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### E| Pre- vs Post-Normalization Statistics
```{r plt.pre_post_norm}
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_pre_post_norm.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.pre_post_norm,
fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### F| Transcripts per cell
```{r plt.UMI_per_cell}
print(plt.UMI_per_cell + theme_miko(legend = T))
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_transcripts_per_cell.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.UMI_per_cell + theme_miko(legend = T),
fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### G| Genes per cell
```{r plt.genes_per_cell}
print(plt.genes_per_cell + theme_miko(legend = T))
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_genes_per_cell.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.genes_per_cell + theme_miko(legend = T),
fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### H| Variable gene plot
```{r plt.variable_genes}
# + theme_miko(color.palette = "flatly2", legend = T)
print(plt.variable_genes )
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_variable_genes.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.variable_genes,
fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### Cells Recovered
```{r valuebox1}
### Genes per Cell (Median)
```{r valuebox2}
### Transcripts per Cell (Median)
```{r valuebox3}
Filter and PCA Summary
Sidebar {.sidebar }
**Description**: QC rank plots and filtering cutoffs, along with PCA summary.
**Figure Legends**:\
**A|** Transcript vs. gene count relationship.\
**B|** Transcript count per cell ranking.\
**C|** Gene count per cell ranking.\
**D|** Mitochondrial content per cell ranking.\
**E|** Venn diagram of filtered cells, grouped by filtering criteria.\
**F|** PCA scree plot showing proportion of variance explained by each principal component.\
**G|** Cumulative variance explained by principal components.\
**H|** Artifact gene detection (Lause 2021)
Row {.tabset}
### Filtering Statistics
```{r plt QC ranks mT, fig.width = 15, fig.height = 8}
plt.QC.stat <- cowplot::plot_grid(cowplot::plot_grid(
plt.gene.umi.mito, plt.umi.rank.mito, plt.gene.rank.mito, plt.mt.rank.mito,
ncol = 2, labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), align = "h"), plt.filter.venn, labels = c("", "E"))
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_filtering_statistics.pdf"),
plot.handle = plt.QC.stat,
fig.width = 15, fig.height = 8, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### PCA Scree Plots
```{r plt.PCA, fig.width=10, fig.height = 4}
cowplot::plot_grid(plt.scree1, plt.scree2, ncol=2, labels= c("F", "G"))
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_scree.pdf"), plot.handle = cowplot::plot_grid(plt.scree1, plt.scree2, ncol=2),
fig.width = 8, fig.height = 4, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
```{r artefact gene outpuers}
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_artifact_genes.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.ag,
fig.height=7, fig.width=8, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
}, silent =T)
a1 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = sprintf("### %s\n", "Artifact Genes")) # tab header
a2 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = sprintf("\n```{r %s, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.height=7, fig.width=8}",
paste("artifact gene plot", 1, sep = "")))
a3 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = sprintf("\n %s", "print(plt.ag)"))
a4 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = "\n```\n") # end r chunk
a1.chunk <- paste(a1, a2, a3, a4, collapse = '\n')
`r if (!is.null(plt.ag)){paste(knitr::knit(text = paste(a1.chunk, collapse = '\n')))}`
Sidebar {.sidebar }
**Description**: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) plots with overlaid cluster, sample, QC and cell cycle information.
**Figure Legends**:\
**A|** Cell cluster UMAP.\
**B|** Sample UMAP.\
**C|** Transcript count (n/cell) UMAP.\
**D|** Gene count (n/cell) UMAP.\
**E|** Mitochondrial content (%/cell) UMAP.\
**F|** Cell cycle state UMAP.\
**G|** Barplot of Relative abundances of cells in each cell cycle state, stratified by cell cluster.\
Row {.tabset}
### Cell Clusters
```{r, fig.width=12, fig.height=5}
savePDF(file.name =paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_umap.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.umap.combo,
fig.width = 12, fig.height = 5, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### QC Statistics
```{r UMAP QC plots, fig.width=15, fig.height=6}
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_QC_umap.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.umap.qc,
fig.width = 12, fig.height = 6, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
### Cell Cycle
```{r plot cc plot, fig.width=12, fig.height=5}
savePDF(file.name = paste0(output.path, "PDF/", "M01_cell_cycle.pdf"), plot.handle = plt.cc,
fig.width = 14, fig.height = 4, save.flag = parameter.list$save.pdf)
}, silent = T)
QC Tables
Sidebar {.sidebar }
QC statistics stratified by factors of potential interest, including cell cluster and cell cycle.
**n.nuclei**: number of nuclei/cells\
**UMI.mean**: mean transcript count (n/cell)\
**UMI.median**: median transcript count (n/cell)\
**UMI.min**: minimum transcript count (n/cell)\
**UMI.max**: maximum transcript count (n/cell)\
**gene.mean**: mean gene count (n/cell)\
**gene.median**: median gene count (n/cell)\
**gene.min**: minimum gene count (n/cell)\
**gene.max**: maximum gene count (n/cell)\
**mito.mean**: mean mitochondrial content (%/cell)\
**mito.median**: median mitochondrial content (%/cell)\
**mito.min**: minimum mitochondrial content (%/cell)\
**mito.max**: maximum mitochondrial content (%/cell)\
Row {.tabset}
```{r summary statistis, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
out <- flex.multiTabTables(summary.list, "summary.list")
`r paste(knitr::knit(text = paste(out, collapse = '\n')))`
Variable Genes Table
Sidebar {.sidebar }
Results from SCtransform workflow. In brief, variance stabilizing transformation to UMI count data was applied using regularized Negative Binomial regression model to remove unwanted effects from UMI data. See Seurat::sctransform() for details. \
gmean: geometric mean\
variance: expression variance\
genes_log_gmean_step1: log-geometric mean of genes used in initial step of parameter estimation\
Hafemeister, C. & Satija, R. Normalization and variance stabilization of single-cell RNA-seq data using regularized negative binomial regression. Genome Biol 20, 296 (December 23, 2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-019-1874-1
```{r var table list}
if (!is.null(df.var.meta)){
rownames(df.var.meta) <- NULL
col.av <- c( "ENSEMBLE","ENSEMBL", "SYMBOL", "GENE", "GENES", "mvp.mean", "mvp.dispersion", "mvp.dispersion.scaled", "mvp.variable", "detection_rate", "gmean", "variance", "residual_mean", "residual_variance", "theta", "(Intercept)", "log_umi", "genes_log_gmean_step1","step1_theta", "step1_(Intercept)", "step1_log_umi")
col.av <- col.av[col.av %in% colnames(df.var.meta)]
df.var.meta <- df.var.meta[ ,col.av]
is.nums <- unlist(lapply(df.var.meta, is.numeric))
for (i in 1:length(is.nums)){
if (is.nums[i]){
df.var.meta[ ,names(is.nums)[i]] <- signif( df.var.meta[ ,names(is.nums)[i]], 3)
```{r save variable gene table}
if (!is.null(df.var.meta)){
if (parameter.list$save.pdf){
write.csv(df.var.meta, file = paste0(output.path, "Tables/", "variableGenes.csv"),
row.names = F)
```{r save analysis log as csv}
if (do.dev){
write.csv(df.log_Module_1, file = paste0(output.path, "Tables/", "analysisLog.csv"),
row.names = F)
}, silent = T)
System Info